“In another religion they honor people who serve like you with Sainthood!” – Economics Professor Adeel Malik,Oxford University, England and World Renowned News Expert Commentator, speaking about Abdul-Jalil and the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation.

“I thank God for you and for bringing you into my life and for the ministry you have been given to help the people of God!”– Pastor L. J. Jennings, Kingdom Builders Christian Fellowship, speaking about Abdul-Jalil and AMWF

“Imaginative, foresighted, some pretty impressive credentials. His I.Q. QUALIFIES HIM AS A GENIUS.“ UPI
Only person to graduate from University of California, Berkeley in 2.5 years and achieve letters in three academic disciplines of Business Administration, Educational Psychology, and Sociology; ~ Completed now mandatory 4 year Walter A. Haas School of Business Degree in 15 months, ~ Took and passed one full year class load in one college academic quarter!,~ “Recognized for Genius I.Q”- UPI and AP., ~As a senior founded a Minority Scholar-Athlete Admissions Program at U. C. Berkeley, ~Had completed 1.5 years of 2 year MBA program before entering Stanford Graduate School of Business as a result of Undergraduate Business Degree from Cal Berkeley, Upon completing Cal he took the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) – a mandatory test to enter top Master and PHD Doctorate Programs in Business and scored so high ABOVE 710, that the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and Haas Administration thought it impossible to achieve without cheating! He was then asked (required) to take the test again under strict surveillance and supervision in a private room with just him and TWO ETS test administrators! To EVERYONE’s chagrin, the results of the second supervised test revealed he scored HIGHER than the first test!

Abdul Jalil, without ever attending Law School, has made “Law Review” with UNPRECEDENTED cases establishing NEW LAW in FOUR different areas, and published in over SEVEN Universities Law Reviews, Scholarly Commons, and multiple Course Outlines, Student Journals in the specialty area of Contracts, Finance, Interest, Loans, Reserve/Free Agency System and Restraint of Trade, Sherman Anti-trust Act (15 USC § 1,2), NLRA, Labor Exemption from Antitrust Law, Collective Bargaining, Labor law, Antitrust, Federal Arbitration, Civil Rights, and Insurance- Appraisal, Bad Faith, Fraud; Sports/Music/Entertainment Talk Show Founder, Producer and Host, CSA; Expert and Guest Political/Legal/Business/Sports/Music/Entertainment Analyst and Commentator; Business/Sports/Music/Entertainment Law Lecturer/Presenter; Sports Color Commentator; His “The Stars” show was the FIRST Cable Business/Sports/Music/Entertainment Talk Show in 1973; OpEd Columnist/Journalist; Sports, Music, Entertainment and Variety Film, TV, Concert and Special Events Content Creator/Producer/Developer/Runner/Promoter; Islamic Dawah Lecturer/Presenter; His Computer Intelligence Company First and Only Minority Certified IBM, Apple, Compact, Microsoft Computer Value Added Dealer (1982); Computer Technology Lecturer/Presenter; MWBE Specialist.
Historic “al-Hakim” use of Interest-Free Loans upon the Tax Codes published in Universities Law Reviews, Scholarly Commons, and multiple Course Outlines, Student Journals Abdul Jalil negotiated a series of contracts that included many unprecedented benefits to the individual clients, one of which was interest-free loans that could be forgiven. Upon review by the Internal Revenue Service, the contracts and returns where thrown out and challenged by the IRS as the IRS filed suit. After an 8 year legal battle, he prevailed in Federal Tax Court and established that Interest free Loans where in fact legal. This unprecedented legal ruling was established as a standard in the Tax Laws and was written in several National Law Journals. Cite: “IRS vs Al-Hakim” published by Commerce Clearing House (CCH) Tax Court Memorandum Cases editions KF 6234A 505 and Maxwell McMillian (Prentice Hall) Federal Tax Cases edition KF 6234A 512 Tax Court Memorandum Decisions. Articles and citations available upon request. The Lyman Bostock Story Part 1Lyman Bostock signs RICHEST contract in Professional Sports and Baseball History
1978- Outfielder Lyman Bostock, on his 27th birthday, signed a five-year contract with the California Angels Monday for a $3.5 million plus-the most lucrative deal ever for a team sport athlete.The unprecedented deal included a FULLY GUARANTEED, five year, $600,000 annual salary, $500,000 signing bonus, a $500,000 Interest free loan, and a $200,000 Interest free business contract loan! The FULLY GUARANTEED contract was PAID in full, after he was murdered on the last day of his first year of the contract with four years left to perform!
In a Historical, Unprecedented case in Sports and Professional Basketball, Abdul-Jalil and Superstar Management, along with NBA player Brian Taylor, negotiated an addendum to the standard NBA contract with the Denver Nuggets for a $250.000 interest free loan and making the contract “tax free”.
Taylor had a clause that stipulated be could become a free agent if the Nuggets breeched his contract in any manner.
The Nuggets made the first payment of $50,000 due him on time. He said they were 19 days late on the second payment before making a partial payment. The third payment, which was due Jan. 1, was over 13 days late, according to Taylor. They did.
So, in mid-season the team had sufficiently breached the contract, according to Jalil, defaulting by 13 days on the final part of a $250,000 interest free loan with the late payments that triggered the clause in the addendum that allowed Taylor to opt out of the contract. Taylor withheld his services from that point in the middle of the season.
Taylor’s agent, Abdul Jalil, said in NewYork that Taylor becomes a free agent immediately should the Nuggets deviate from any portion of the agreement. Jalil said the agreement is unique in that it contains a clause providing that should Taylor sign with another NBA team, Denver, may not receive compensation in the form of players, or draft choices. The compensation must be in the form of cash, half of which goes to Taylor and half to the Nuggets.
This clause reportedly was unprecedented in major league sports player contracts and expects NBA Commissioner Larry O’Brien to call a Collective Bargaining Federal Arbitration hearing on the case because the contract clause is so unique.
Jalil is the agent who represented baseball infielder Junior Moore, who won free agency from the Atlanta Braves in a landmark contract agreement following the 1977 season in a Federal Arbitration case of Moore (MLBPA) vs. Atlanta Braves (MLB). Moore’s contract permitted him to declare himself a free agent based on his own value judgment of the amount of playing time he had with the Braves. Used as only a part-time performer, Moore chose to leave Atlanta and signed with the Chicago White Sox.
The unprecedented case in Professional Sports and Basketball was necessary as the the addendum to the contract was the result of Taylor’s dispute of the contract that was originally negotiated by the players union director Larry Fleisher. The inherent problems that this situation provided for the National Basketball Association, the Denver Nuggets, and most importantly the Director of the NBA Players Union and the Union itself, were incredible, FILLED WITH CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, MULTIPLE INSTANCES OF FRAUD, COLLUSION, and MISREPRESENTATION! The case was so bad that Larry Fleisher, the Director of the NBA Players Union and the Union itself, could NOT represent Taylor in the Federal Arbitration hearing. In mid-season the team breached the contract with a late payment that triggered a clause in the addendum that allowed him to opt out of the contract. The player withheld his services in the middle of the season and the Nuggets and the NBA filed for Federal Arbitration. In prevailing in this matter, Taylor received his FULL PAY, an interest free loan, was declared free of his contract (“a Free Agent”), and allowed to negotiate a new contract with the team of his choice. Cite Arbitration Decision in the matter of “The National Basketball Association (Denver Nuggets) vs. The National Basketball Players Association (Brian Taylor)”, Jan. 25, 1978.The Nuggets declined to have tapes of the Taylor negotiating sessions heard by renowned federal arbitrator Peter Seitz, who agreed Taylor was free, but that the Nuggets were due compensation.
Major Leagues of Professional Baseball Clubs (Atlanta Braves) vs. The Major League Baseball Players Association (Alvin Jr. Moore)
1977- One of the earliest Professional Sports contract controversies involved Major League Baseball Player Free Agency that arose as the result of an unprecedented, landmark contract between Alvin “Junior” Moore and the Atlanta Braves in which a Special Covenant gave Moore the right to demand a trade which could not be consummated without his prior consent if he was dissatisfied with his playing time. In the event that a trade could not be consummated by the end of the 1977 championship season, Moore would become a free agent if he so desired. See “The Major Leagues of Professional Baseball Clubs (Atlanta Braves) vs. The Major League Baseball Players Association (Alvin Jr. Moore). http://www.box.net/shared/4apqfv9fpg
Alvin “Junior” Moore was only a rookie, yet here are the terms of the contract his agent Abdul-Jalil put together for him:
-The Braves were to pay Moore $75,000 that season. That was only his salary.
-They also were to pay him a $50,000 bonus and provide him with an additional $50,000 interest-free loan.
That’s was historic for a rookie, but wait, there’s more coming.
The imaginative, foresighted agent Abdul-Jalil saw to it that four other unique clauses were written into the Atlanta Braves contract of Moore.
“If Moore is dissatisfied with his playing time, he can submit a letter to the Braves notifying them of same, who then must initiate a trade to the team of Moore’s choice, which can only be consummated with his consent. If there is no trade by the end of the season, the contract is voided and he becomes a free agent.”
1) The first unique clause gave Moore the option of demanding a trade to another team of his choice upon his notice to the team of his dissatisfaction with his playing time; becoming a free agent simply by notifying the Braves of his intention, which works out to be the same as anytime he choses. Under the present Basic Agreement between the players and the owners, a player becomes a free agent ONLY after six-year service requirement with a team has been fulfilled AND only after the second year he plays for a team without signing a contract the previous year.
2) The second unique clause allowed Moore to veto any trade the Braves might involve him in if he did not approve of the team in the proposed trade;
3) The third unique clause gave him the option of choosing the team he wished to be traded to;
4) The forth unique clause gave Moore the option of becoming a free agent if a trade to a team of his choice in not consummated. Under the then present Basic Agreement between the players and the owners, a player becomes a free agent the second year only after he plays for a team without signing a contract the previous year.

What club owner in the world would ever sign a rookie to a contract like that?
The contract was signed by Ted Turner, the Braves’ owner, March 14, 1977.
When National League President Chub Feeney first saw Moore’s contract and its special freedom clause, he rejected it disapproving this Special Covenant and on April 28, Feeney, wrote a letter to Bill Lucas, the Braves’ Director of Player Personnel.
The letter said:
“Specific covenants contained in Alvin Moore’s contract are disapproved because it (the contract) contains provisions inconsistent with the reserve system article of the new Basic Agreement.
Please be sure the player receives a copy of this letter.”
The Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) filed a Federal grievance on the ground that actual or potential additional benefits were provided for the player within the meaning of the collective agreement. The clubs maintained that the free agency provisions in the 1976 agreement were exclusive, providing the only basis upon which free agency rights could be exercised.
But the union argued that there were still other avenues to free agency, such as an unconditional release by a club because the player was not sufficiently qualified. The arbitrator held, in this case, that “the six-year service requirement through which a player could exercise free agency was for the individual club’s benefit in the sense that it would want to retain the player for a particular period of time.” Thus, the benefit of “long-term title and reservation rights” could be waived by the club. On the other hand, the reentry mechanism through which other clubs would have an opportunity to negotiate with a player who becomes a free agent was a matter covered by all the collective bargaining agreement, so an attempt by club and player to evade such procedures would be “inconsistent” and thus prohibited. Said the Arbitrator:
There is clear merit in the Association’s argument that the words “additional benefits to the Player” should be liberally construed to support a wide variety of benefits to a Player over and above the benefits accorded to him by the Basic Agreement. Though covenants containing such benefits may be “inconsistent” with a particular provision of the Agreement dealing with the same subject matter, there is logic in the Association’s argument that they are not, in fact, “inconsistent” because Article II authorizes such inconsistencies where they provide additional benefits to the Player.”?
Marvin Miller, the MLBPA Executive Director said “Junior Moore’s contract has done more for baseball as anything in the basic agreement just signed by the Players Association and the owners”.
Moore went on to sign a very lucrative, multi year contract with the Chicago White Sox.LECTURER AND PRESENTER IN THE FIELDS OF:

Historic “al-Hakim” use of Interest-Free Loans upon the Tax Codes published in Universities Law Reviews, Scholarly Commons, and multiple Course Outlines, Student Journals Abdul Jalil negotiated a series of contracts that included many unprecedented benefits to the individual clients, one of which was interest-free loans that could be forgiven. Upon review by the Internal Revenue Service, the contracts and returns where thrown out and challenged by the IRS as the IRS filed suit. After an 8 year legal battle, he prevailed in Federal Tax Court and established that Interest free Loans where in fact legal. This unprecedented legal ruling was established as a standard in the Tax Laws and was written in several National Law Journals. Cite: “IRS vs Al-Hakim” published by Commerce Clearing House (CCH) Tax Court Memorandum Cases editions KF 6234A 505 and Maxwell McMillian (Prentice Hall) Federal Tax Cases edition KF 6234A 512 Tax Court Memorandum Decisions. Articles and citations available upon request….


Case Western Reserve Law Review Volume 31 Summer 1981 Number 4
A Long Deep Drive to Collective Bargaining: Of Players, Owners, Brawls, and Strikes.
Professor Robert C. Berry, Professor William B. Gould
Student Journals at Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons

University of Massachusetts- Amherst
Major League Baseball’s Grievance Arbitration System
by Glenn M. Wong, Professor of Sports Law
Entertainment and Sports Law

Marquette University School of Law
Entertainment and Sports Law Commons Journals at Marquette Law Scholarly Commons
Interpreting the NFL Player Contract
Professor Gary R. Roberts
Marquette Sports Law Review- Volume 3, Issue 1, Article 5, Fall

Vanderbilt University School of Law
Sports Law – Knight Commission: purpose was to examine NCAA athletics and make recommendations
Professor Joseph Fishman

University of Nevada-Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law
Course: Sports Law: Competition Law | National Collegiate Athletic Association
Professor Marc Kligman, Adjunct. Sports Law
University of Nevada William S. Boyd School of Law
UNLV 87169927

Santa Clara University School of Law
Legal Professions: Sports Law
The Role of the Commissioner and Other Governing Authorities
Professor Alan W. Scheflin – Santa Clara Law

Quimbee Law School Case Briefs, Overview, Casebooks, study aids, BAR Review, and online Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses
Alvin Moore vs Atlanta Braves
Major League Baseball Arbitration Proceeding
MLB-MLBPA Arb. 77-18 (1977)
Professor A. Porter

Course Hero Sports Law Outline
1968 Basic Agreement made the Commissioner the arbitrator clearly allowing for arbitration of reserve system grievances. University of Texas School of Law
Course Title: LAW 111
6) Agent Representation – The collective agreement plays the ultimate governing role

Quizlet, Sports Law 1-3
Alvin Moore & Atlanta Braves (1977)
Judd’s Sports Law Outline
Chapter 1 – Best Interests of the Sport: The Role of the Commissioner and Other Governing Authorities

NetSuite Inc:
Alvin Moore & Atlanta Braves …
D. Arbitration as an Exclusive Remedy; § 301 Preemption
Beauford Delaney (1901-1979) “Portraitist of the Famous”
“Perhaps I should say, flatly, what I believe–that he is a great painter, among the very greatest; but I do know that great art can only be created out of love, and that no greater lover has ever held a brush.”James Baldwin (1924-1987), writer, friend of artist Beauford Delaney
Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, c.1971oil on canvas
Abdul-Jalil was honored in Miami, Florida and Haiti


“Thanks for getting the Deal DONE Jalil!”– Evander “Real Deal” Holyfield, the only boxer in history to win the undisputed championship in two weight classes (cruiserweight in the late 1980s and at heavyweight in the early 1990s).

“Jalil, I told everybody that you guys are representing me!”– Reggie “the Minister of Defense” White, two-time NFL Defensive Player of the Year, Super Bowl XXXI champion, 13-time Pro Bowl, holds second place all-time among NFL career sack leaders with 198 (behind Bruce Smith’s 200 career sacks). He was selected to the NFL 75th Anniversary All-Time Team, NFL 100th Anniversary All-Time Team, NFL 1990s All-Decade Team, and the NFL 1980s All-Decade Team. White is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame and the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

“You are going to have to deal with him (Jalil) now!”– Deion “Prime Time” Sanders to Atlanta Braves and Atlanta Hawks former President and General Manager Stan Kasten and Atlanta Braves General Manager John Schuerholz
“I don’t know what I would have done without you!.” – J.C. WATTS, U.S. HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. “Thanks for directing me to the Sonics.” – GUS WILLIAMS, NBA. “Imaginative, foresighted, some pretty impressive credentials. His I.Q. QUALIFIES HIM AS A GENIUS.” – UPI . “That’s the finest promotion job for an unknown athlete that I have ever seen.” – N.Y. JETS. “I’m so happy!! I’m full of money!!” – C. ROBINSON, NBA. “He is personable, unafraid, confident. and athletes are attracted to him” – D. MAGGARD, U.S. Olympic Committee. “You have never been wrong” – EMANUEL STEWARD, Boxing “He told me what he wanted, we shook hands. We made the deal in 5 minutes.” – B. BAVASI, California Angels
SPORTS: Lettered in Football, Basketball, Track and Field in High School. Lettered in Basketball, Track and Field at University of California. N.C.A.A. Champions in Track and Field in 1971. FOUNDER, PRODUCER: “The Evening of Elegance” Oakland, CA, 1997-Host; CMS Community Food Bank, Oakland, 1996; “The Stars”, Cable TV Show, Oakland, CA, 1974; Montgomery Wards Pre-Reserve Training Program, Richmond, CA,1974; Montgomery Wards “Super Sunday”, Richmond, CA,1974; Montgomery Wards “Men Only Night”, Richmond, CA, 1973; Bay Area Black Expo, Oakland, CA, 1972-77; Congress of Athletes For Alternatives to Youths, 1972; Martin Luther King Basketball Classic, l972; California Fashion and Beauty Pageant, 1975. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS: ~ National Lawyers Guild, ~ Muslim Bar Association of New York, ~ Houston Muslim Lawyers , ~ National Muslim Law Students Association, ~ Association of Muslim-American Lawyers, ~ Associate Board Member- University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business East Bay Alumni Network.