Entertainment Jobs and Casting Calls OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2010 Listings


7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA  94605-3032
Phone  (510) 394-4601  FAX  (510) 638-8889 

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AIM, Video Chat Screen Name:  jalil@superstarmanagement.com 
   Skype Video Chat Screen Contact Name: Superstarmanagement  
Portrait of Abdul-Jalil by Artist Buford Delaney in Paris, France
Articles on Abdul-Jalil
: The Man Who Turns Hits Into Million$, One Special CaseESPN Bostock 5th & Jackson TV Special Part 1, and Part 2ESPN Bostock Magazine Special, the “al-Hakim Tax Code Ruling”, Smart Agent, Busy Agent, Dellums for Mayor, Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence, 1979 National BALSA ConferenceOakland Police Officers Arrested for Computer Store Burglaries, Police Found Guilty in Burglaries, Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries
Email Abdul-Jalil here

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¿eX-whY AdVentures?


        There are some good entertainment industry job listings below and on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at https://eX-whY.com!
        We have a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing targeting the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip
Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY AdVentures?. We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
     We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the motion picture or television project, stage play, entertainment event, commercial ads, film trailers, soundtracks, the jingle, voice overs, and all promotions associated with the product.
     We are developing jobs for actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and writers in the entertainment, commercial advertisement, stage, film and television fields.
    To that end , our management agency would like you to provide us with a list of your castings calls that might fit this description for consideration in placement for jobs that you have.
    We would be interested in any roles for anyone of our 10,000 Professional Athletes, Entertainers, Celebrity, Musicians, and Actors direct email recipients; our over 270,000 list members; and our over 21 million total readers of the publications we submit to.
      As you can tell from our roster of talent, our Casting Division has a unique advantage in all forms of casting. With the growing popularity of ‘film and music video-style’ products, we have found that directors and producers value our ability to call in seasoned, serious talent from the film and television industries to add depth and quality to performances in stage, film, television and commercials.
        More than two decades of feature film, television and commercial casting experience has provided us with strong relationships with agents, managers and talent which helps us to find the necessary talent to create innovative, creative and one-of-a-kind artistic product.
       We can send Photos, Bios, videos, Comp Cards, CV with samples of work and salary requirements, where necessary. We are members of the Casting Society of America (C.S.A.), Independent Film Producers (I.F.P.), Screen Actors Guild (S.A.G.), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) to list a few.
       There are some good entertainment industry job listings on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at https://eX-whY.com!


        SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK has over 270,000 subscriber/members with a reach of over 21 million readers! The Network offers FREE advice and help with your sports or entertainment career, FREE Casting calls for TV shows, films, and stage, Invites to Red Carpet and Celebrity A-List Events, FREE notices of Sports and Entertainment jobs, FREE tickets to concerts, films, sporting events, symphony, amusement, and entertainment events, To be part of a Professional Network that provides what YOU need to advance YOUR career. Receive FREE Information and Opportunities for Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management in all areas of sports, music and entertainmen
t matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts, Casting opportunities, product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing. Subscribe to Superstars Network here. To learn more go to the SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK” page on Superstarmanagement.com.
        We are offering FREE LISTENING OR DOWNLOADS of our iTunes and podcast of Entertainment Law, “The Art of Reppin Pro Athletes & Entertainers”and “Hip Hop & Spread of Islam” at:

iTunes at:  https://tinyurl.com/m5gyqw

Or https://superstarmanagement.podOmatic.com


*Get FREE working CONTRACTS for Music, Sports, Film, Advertising, Entertainment, Literary, etc!!!

We Provide and Share opportunities in the Sports and Entertainment Worlds
We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.
* Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management, and advise in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts as entertainers, artists, labels, producers, songwriter, publishers, distributors, retailers, merchandisers; commercial advertising, corporate sponsorships, product endorsements, marketing and promotions; also including establishing and management of your sports entity;
* Drafting, reviewing and negotiating of contracts for professional athletes; entertainers, artists, recording; producing; motion picture, television, radio and video; performing and touring; booking; publishing; royalties, copyrights and trademarks; distribution; merchandising; interactive multimedia and the internet; synchronization licenses; mechanical licenses; and publishing clearances;
* Casting opportunities,product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing;
* Contract negotiations, arbritrations, salary grievances, booking, production, management, recording, publishing, distribution, merchandising, licensing, to representation in copyright matters, royalty disputes, and an array of sports and entertainment issues and problems, with an emphasis on the sports and music industry;
* Provide special services to Rookies, Free Agents, Wavered players, and established Veterans by actively promoting and marketing your interest to the teams, securing try outs and contracts, while giving supplemental reports to selected teams to aid in your quest to get the big dollar contract. For every player, we secure alternate contracts with foreign teams in Canada, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Mexico, Africa, the Islands, as well as other American teams here. We secure contracts for try outs, tours, tournaments and leagues, in addition to employment referrals and aid in furthering your education. For those that do not make it in the United States the first time, we reorient you back into the U.S. pro sports industry with updated film, scouting reports, and information we release to all the pro teams on your progress, statistics, performances, and availability while acquiring new opportunities for you. There is absolutely no other agency or attorney that can do this for you. Just ask them. But….
* Record Demo Shopping; and Label Deals, independent record label, production deals, publishing company and/or distribution company deals.
* Programs that offer several Plans specially designed to fit your needs by providing you with expert advisers to ascertain your clients complete financial security. We provide the best professional advisers to negotiate you or your clients contract and advise you as to the length, the amount of money, the bonuses, incentives, and options in the contract. We have attorneys to procure all your legal needs, certified public accountants for your tax planning, financiers for your investment portfolio, insurance, and estate planning. Additionally we provide personal artist managers to enhance your commercial advertisement, product endorsement, and motion picture appeal. Subscribe to Superstars Network here.

We encourage and insist that you get yourself together and join SuperStars Network for all your needs and feel confident once again that your business is in the best hands, Yours! Call me collect. This is the wisest decision you could ever make.

We are members of the Casting Society of America (CSA), Independant Film Producers (IFP), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Producers Guild of America (PGA), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI)

Thanks, and don’t forget to check out our website at: 


(510) 394-4601

OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2010 Job Listings


Beverly Hills transactional entertainment law firm representing actors, writers, directors and production companies seeks Associate for temp to full time position or contract attorneys. Requirements: 2-3 year transactional experience on talent and/or production side. Position to start immediately. E-mail references and salary/hourly requirements to entlawjob1@gmail.com .

Small, busy representation firm seeking office manager. Ideal candidate familiar with advertising agency and/or production community. Must be personable, self motivated, extremely organized, tech-savvy and versed in entire Microsoft suite. InEntertainment a huge plus! In addition to daily running of the office, person is responsible for supporting staff and some personal tasks. Strong coordinating skills required. Excellent phone manner and writing skills (to maintain e-newsletter
and social networking sites). Full time and benefits. Submit resume : info@resourcela.com

Seeking established theatrical and literary managers for an expanding bi-coastal boutique talent management and production company. We are looking for individuals with established rosters and strong relationships with casting directors, producers, and industry executives. Our company’s dynamic and collaborative business environment values energy, experience, and teamwork. Your response and resume will be kept strictly confidential. For consideration, please e-mail your resume to seekingmngr@gmail.com.


United Talent Agency (UTA) seeks qualified candidates for its agent trainee program. Previous industry experience and bachelors degree required. Candidates must be motivated, extremely detail oriented, have excellent communication and organizational skills and a desire to learn the business of talent representation. This is a very demanding environment with excellent opportunities to work in Film, Television, Music, New Media and Entertainment Marketing. Proficiency with Microsoft Office software is mandatory. Compensation includes overtime and full benefits. References required. www.unitedtalent.com for more information. Fax cover letter & resume to (310) 247-1111 or email to HR@unitedtalent.com. Attn: Human Resources. No calls.

Los Angeles based television production company is seeking a top-notch assistant for the company Partners/Executive Producers. Candidates must be a college graduate, highly motivated with agency or network experience, strong writing and editorial skills are a plus and must know the important names in non-scripted and scripted television. Job requires long hours and total confidentiality. You must be extremely organized, able to multi-task, Mac literate and Internet savvy. Candidates with at least one year of experience should email a cover letter and resume to tvproducerasst@gmail.com.

Seeking highly-motivated office assistant for boutique TV and film literary management company (not a production or development job). Requirements: industrious, tough, self-starter, multi-tasker with can-do attitude who can work independently and who is available to start immediately and make one-year commitment. Similar (non-production) entertainment office experience highly preferable (phone sheet, submissions, scheduling, filing, logs, etc.). $500 to $600/week depending on experience. Limited benefits. Send resume and cover letter to Field Entertainment via fax: 310-271-6243 or e-mail: hiring@fieldentertainment.net.

Management 360 is seeking an assistant for one of our very busy talent managers. Ideal candidates are resourceful, articulate, energetic and professional multi-taskers that can provide superb support to and on behalf of a very busy talent manager. Must be thick skinned, well-educated with at least one year of desk experience at an agency or talent management company ready to hit the ground running. A degree from a four year college mandatory. Send resumes to jobs@management360.com. Please put “talent assistant” in the subject line.

Inspire Entertainment, a high level, boutique talent management firm seeking seasoned assistant (min. 6 months-1 year working at major agency or management company) for LA office. Applicants must be self-motivated, highly organized, hard-working, detail-oriented and able to handle heavy phones and multi-task in fast-paced environment. Only apply if you have requisite experience as assistant to agent/manager who represents actors. For immediate hire. Competitive pay. Email cover letter and resume: assistant.management7@gmail.com

Kazarian/Spencer/Ruskin & Associates (KSR), a bicoastal talent agency, is seeking an Assistant for our LA Film/TV Department. Candidates must be dedicated, organized, able to multi-task, and have excellent computer and people skills. This is an entry level position with excellent growth opportunities. Experience assisting a theatrical agent or personal manager is a plus. Candidate must also be reliable and enthusiastic. Please email cover letter and resume (do not send attachments) to: agencyjobs@aol.com

Busy Marketing Production company seeks entry level, full time Assistant for Producers. Must be willing to work long hours, detailed orientated, have cell phone and car. Must want to be a producer. No Attachments. Email cover letters and resumes to goodassistantjob@gmail.com.

Talent Manager at A-list management and production company seeks seasoned assistant with at least 6 months agency or management desk assistant experience (preferably Talent). Applicants must be smart, hard-working, detail-oriented and able to multi-task in a fast-paced environment. Great opportunity to gain immediate client experience. Resume and cover letter to Operations@industryentertainment.com

Management company is seeking an executive assistant to partner with recognizable, high-level actors and multiple projects in various stages of development. General administrative duties include scheduling, rolling calls, faxing, filing, coordinating client appointments, maintaining databases, etc. Applicants must have one to two years agency/management experience. This is a company with a history of promotion and a great opportunity for the right person. Please email cover letters and resumes to talentasstposting@gmail.com

Emmy nominated television production company seeks a hardworking and eager Executive Assistant to directly assist the Executive Producer. We’re looking for someone who is very organized, works well under pressure, and the ability to work in a fast paced environment. Must have previous assistant experience. All of the regular assistant duties, plus personal assistant duties will be required. Please send cover letter and resume to assistantjobLA@hotmail.com.

Boutique Literary Management Company seeking high efficiently, organized assistant with a serious interest in literary management. Do not apply if you are not interested in advancing in this field. Very busy desk requires proactive and can-do attitude, able to multitask under pressure to assist three managers, with A-list clientele, high call volume, scheduling etc. Desk experience preferred – incredible opportunity for the right candidate. Please send resumes to literarymgmtco@gmail.com.

Assistant/development assistant for one of the largest independent CGI animation studios in the country. Duties at this entrepreneurial company range from typical assistant duties to tracking, development, packaging, and pitching. Company makes CGI movies, TV and Location Based Entertainment. Experience in one of those areas necessary. Must love dogs! Please send resumes to devasst8010@gmail.com.

Very busy LA TV production company has an immediate opening for a highly organized, detail-oriented assistant to both Chief Creative Officers. This position will handle a ful
l range of administrative responsibilities including answering calls, scheduling appointments and conference calls, making travel arrangements, data gathering, ordering supplies, working long hours, act as runner, some heavy lifting and offer some support to other executives. Email resume’s to: vmajor70@yahoo.com

World of Wonder Productions is seeking a seasoned Executive Assistant to support its two CEOs. Candidate must be extremely organized, resourceful, and have an impeccable sense of detail. 2-3 years supporting a high-level executive, agent, or manager is mandatory. Knowledge of non-scripted programming is highly preferred. Duties include managing schedules, organizing travel, rolling calls, and liaising with network executives. Email cover letter and resume to cwereski@worldofwonder.net

A-list Talent Management/Production company seeks an executive assistant. Duties include scheduling, heavy phones, coordinating travel, some office management and various light personal tasks. Major growth potential for the right candidate. Applicants should be excellent at multi-tasking, detail-oriented, possess strong communication skills, and have a positive attitude. Salary comparable to industry standards. Only apply with previous experience in the Entertainment Business. Please send resumes to asstpost2010@gmail.com.

A-list director seeking full time set assistant. Must be thick skinned, organized, work well under pressure, and be extremely detail oriented. Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and have excellent communication skills. A BA/BS degree and at least one year of industry related experience is preferred. Please e-mail resumes to: 4directorsassistant@gmail.com

A-List director seeking full time executive assistant. Must be thick skinned, organized, work well under pressure, and be extremely detail oriented. Needs a multi-tasker who is computer savvy and has exceptional communication skills. A BA/BS degree and at least one year of industry related administrative experience is preferred. If interested please e-mail resumes to: 4directorsassistant@gmail.com

French Independent TV Production Company looking for an assistant to help with research. We are producing two, 26-minute documentaries that will air early 2011 in Europe. Both pieces are sequels to two prior documentaries regarding capital punishment in Texas. Duties will include research, procuring necessary authorizations and organizing the filming in Texas. Ability to speak French a plus. Hours are flexible and compensation to be discussed. Serious candidates only. Please submit resumes to Frenchtvusa@gmail.com.

A-list Talent Management/Production company seeks an executive assistant to two managers in the television and new media department. We are looking to hire asap. Assistant must have a strong desire to work in both scripted and reality television as well as work with talent from various genres. Duties include scheduling, heavy phones, coordinating travel, script coverage and general office management. Applicants should be excellent at multi-tasking, detail-oriented, possess strong communication skills, and have a positive attitude. The company is also known to promote from within. Salary comparable to industry standards. Please send resumes to tvmanagerasst@gmail.com

Executive assistant position for active studio based Producer. Must have strong desire to work in development, experience with tracking and coverage preferred. Seeking a very quick, detail oriented and organized candidate with good communication and multitasking skills. Duties include phones, scheduling, travel, general office management, research, tracking and coverage, with exposure to production as well. Very busy but comfortable environment. Industry experience required. Please email resumes to: asstrecruit@gmail.com

Seeking proficient assistant to CEO of a major studio, typical asst duties apply. Must have at least 1-2 years experience at an industry desk. Send resumes to topasst@gmail.com


Busy EP / president of commercial & music video house seeks full-time personal assistant. Job duties include: heavy scheduling, picking up kids, errands, travel arrangements, house duties, taking care of dogs. Will be expected to multitask and prioritize. Must have one year prior personal assistant experience and a car. Serious inquires only. Pay DOE. Email resume and cover letter to: pbpersonalassist@gmail.com

Busy actor needs a part-time personal assistant. Two days a week. Eight hours a day. Duties will include but are not limited to: grocery shopping, picking up dry cleaning, other personal errands. Compensation to be negotiated. Email resumes to: gtwayassistant@gmail.com


Red Light PR, a boutique fashion firm specializing in product placement, publicity, entertainment marketing and celebrity seeding seeks to fill positions in their internship program immediately. Qualified candidates should have excellent communication/people skills, be comfortable speaking on the phone and have a genuine interest in public relations. Email resume and cover letter to internship@redlightpr.com.

Leading PR agency seeks a highly-motivated assistant. Daily activities include phones, filing, preparing and distributing press coverage, maintaining aspects of the office, and scheduling. Other duties include brainstorming, press releases, research and pitch. This is a great position for those looking who have a passion for film, and looking to learn and work to get hands-on experience and direct contact working with press and clients. Film PR experience preferred. Please submit resumes to Gail@mrc-pr.com

ROAR is an entertainment company with deep expertise in talent and brand management, business development, production, and sponsorship engagement. We’re currently looking for dedicated interns to assist our lifestyle and branding division who interested in marketing, branding, and strategic planning. Candidates must be detail oriented, resourceful, very proficient in Excel and PowerPoint, well-spoken, strong writers, and creative. Please send cover letter and resume to viole@roar.la.

Paradigm seeks a driven, detail-oriented Artist Marketing assistant. Department handles celebrity endorsements, appearances, product placement, brand integration and event sponsorship. Position is responsible for general assistant responsibilities as well as market research, establishing new contacts at brands and agencies and client interaction. Prior demonstrated interest and experience in Marketing are required. Please send resume and cover letter to careers@paradigmagency.com with Artist Marketing Asst in subject line.

Stoelt Productions is progressive event production agency, currently looking for (1) Event Coordinator for immediate hire. Agency and on-premise execution a must. Responsible
for creative contributions, preparing client materials, vendor management, and extensive knowledge of producing an event from start to finish. Must be MAC proficient and aware of market & industry trends. 2-3 Years of Agency or Relevant Experience. Work samples welcomed. Please submit a cover letter and resume to: staff@stoeltproductions.com.

Stoelt Productions is progressive event production agency, currently (2) Events Intern to support our company in/out of the office. Should possess an interest in event production, upcoming trends, and marketing. Required: ability to multi-task, professional demeanor, excellent communication skills. Personal hygiene and appearance presentable. Min. 3 days a week / flexible hours. Please submit a cover letter and resume to: staff@stoeltproductions.com.

Paramount Pictures is seeking candidates to fill one remaining opening in their Fall/Winter Internship program! This internship position will be in the Field Marketing division – a department that oversees Domestic Marketing Strategies, Publicity and Promotions across the US & Canada. Field Marketing interns will have the opportunity to run the college marketing campaign in Los Angeles & Orange County for all Paramount films. They will also assist the department on various film campaigns, promotions, screenings, press junkets and special events in addition to office work. Candidates need to be able to work a minimum of 2 full days a week, plus potential evenings and weekends. Please send your resumes and cover letters with “field marketing internship” in the subject line to Natasha Pietruschka at Natasha_Pietruschka@Paramount.com.

42West seeking assistant to Head of West Coast Talent. Candidates must be extremely detailed, organized, possess a high level of initiative, and have the ability to multi-task and be resourceful. Candidates with at least 1 year experience in entertainment will be considered. Daily duties include: phones, calendar, press clippings, press kits, and requests. Must be willing to work late nights and weekends. Email resume and cover letter to Marissa.Banks@42west.net

Established entertainment public relations and marketing firm specializing in motion pictures, music, television and awards campaigns is looking for responsible and dedicated interns to start immediately. You will gain valuable hands-on experience as the agency works directly with major studios, talent, filmmakers and the media. Looking for students or recent graduates who are interested in a fully immersive entertainment industry internship. This is an unpaid internship. Please contact alana@chasenpr.com.

Entertainment Public Relations Firm, with A-level clients, seeks an Assistant for a Sr. Publicist. Candidates must have a minimum one year experience in personal publicity, but we will also consider agency or management. This position is for someone interested in pursuing Public Relations. Candidates must have excellent communication skills and the ability to multi-task in a fast-pace environment. Medical/Dental benefits are offered after a 3 month probation period. Email resume to: officeassistant2010@yahoo.com

Learn Marketing, PR, Branding, Entertainment and Events at a boutique agency. We want bright, ambitious, enthusiastic, organized, focused, detailed oriented people with good computer skills and a laptop. Work approximately 10-40 flexible hours a week from your home (anywhere), or our corporate “home-quarters” by Downtown Culver City. Unpaid, but priceless knowledge, opportunities, and references. If interested tell us why you are a good candidate in 2 paragraphs + resume: email: Tiffanybradshaw@gmail.com

Executive Assistant needed to support SVP of Brand Management & Strategy and SVP of Marketing at 20th Century Fox Television. Ideal candidate should be professional, well organized, self-starter; able to work independently on reports and projects assigned. Must be able to maintain confidentiality with information and work well under pressure. Responsibilities include: tracking brand management, marketing, & new media activities, assisting w/ presentations, general admin duties (phones, scheduling, etc.). Advanced working knowledge of MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint is a must. Interested candidates can email resume to: FoxTVBrandMarketing@gmail.com

Viewpoint, Inc. a boutique entertainment public relations firm specializing in the representation of talent and based in Beverly Hills, is currently seeking an assistant to one of its partners, Melissa Kates. Previous PR experience very strongly preferred. Duties to include but not limited to creating schedules, filing, answering busy phones, drafting bios, pitching, covering clients, etc. This is a full time position and all candidates must be available to work evenings and weekends as needed. Please send resumes to Melissa.Fonzino@viewpointla.com.

Agency seeks individual for an account executive position for hospitality/nightlife/ talent relations. Candidates must have 3+ years experience and must come with media contacts for national and regional broadcast media, lifestyle, travel and fashion media. Prefer agency experience or in-house experience with a widely recognizable brand. Strong writing skills are a must. Must come with talent contacts, agency contacts and experience in Hollywood/celebrity procurement. Please email resumes to info@fingerprintcom.net .


Independent music publisher highly focused on film, TV, trailers and commercials is seeking a highly motivated person for an assistant/coordinator level position. Responsibilities include A&R scouting and research, song pitching, licensing, website and catalog maintenance, and general office administration. Must be highly organized, detail oriented, resourceful, willing to work occasional long hours – especially evenings. A&R experience a big plus. Please send resumes to musicpubaandrjob@gmail.com

The Academy of Country Music is looking for students who love country music and want to see the music entertainment business first-hand. The 46th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards will be held in early April in Las Vegas. We are looking for students to work in the following departments Event Management, Logistics, PR/Marketing, Lifting Lives (our charity) and Creative. Creative department interns must have experience using Final Cut Pro and Photoshop. Internships will start in January/February and run through late April/early May 2011 and will include a one-week stay in Vegas with hotel, travel and meals provided. Interns will receive credit for their participation and a small weekly stipend for a portion of the internship. Email your resume and cover letter to info@acmcountry.com


Multi-Media company located in Los Angeles, CA is looking for a professional, proactive Assistant in the Production Department who is organized, creative, assertive, resourceful, detail oriented and has effective and consistent follow through on all tasks undertaken. Specific administrative duties include: setting meetings,
answering phones, preparing agendas, booking travel and basic support to the Production team on a variety of tasks. At least 1 year as an Administrative Assistant, Marketing, Photoshop and Power Point experience is a must. Individuals looking for a career in TV and Digital Media development preferred. Please send resumes and writing sample to: jobposting_ea@yahoo.com

Maker Studios specializes in high quality video content for the web (135 million collective views, monthly). This position is an unpaid internship at our new Gaming Channel. In an exciting startup atmosphere, the applicant will gain insight into how to make an online channel successful. Responsibilities include YouTube video annotation, quality control, content selection for weekly segments, and clerical tasks. Must be enrolled in school and receiving credit. Please submit to tgsbiz@gmail.com.

Unique entry to film industry. Film production/distribution company looking to greatly enhance our current Web site with an effective, intuitive, look and layout; need a talented Web programmer/designer, preferably with knowledge and experience integrating social media and viral marketing. Professionalism a must. College credit available, expenses paid. Could lead to a permanent gig for the right person. Please send cover letter/ resume including samples to info@vesuvioent.com

Comediva is a brand new web production company that produces female-driven comedy, and we are looking for a group of awesome interns! We’re a small, laid-back office and can provide plenty of hands-on experience both in the office and on set. A strong interest in new media, film production, and a great sense of humor is a must. Hours are flexible so please let us know your availability in your e-mail. This is an unpaid internship for school credit only. Please send a resume, cover letter, and availability to: jobs@comediva.com


Casting Directors Penny Perry and Amy Reece are looking to hire an intern to assist in casting the projects they are working on. This is a paid internship. Applicants do not need to be a student or receive school credit for this internship. It is imperative that applicants are highly organized. Some responsibilities include requesting and filing demo reels, checking actor availabilities, setting up auditions, making copies of headshots/paperwork, etc. Please send all resumes to cbabayans@llpla.com.

NON-LA POSITIONS (All Locations/All Positions)

Cinetic Media seeks an exceptional assistant to a Senior Executive in its talent management department (NYC). Candidates must have two years assistant/administrative experience. Ideal applicants will be equally oriented toward independent and studio films, interested in the business of talent representation, finance and sales, and willing to immerse themselves in the industry. Poise, sound judgment and excellent communication, organization, multi-tasking, and follow-through skills are essential. Cover letter and resume: jobs@cineticmedia.com.

Killer Films, a preeminent NY-based feature film and television production company has an opening for a full-time intern. We are looking for at least a six month commitment. Internship could lead to a permanent position at the company, and is a terrific learning experience. This is a great opportunity for a motivated and talented young person who loves movies and wants to explore a career in film and TV to observe and participate in the workings of a busy and productive entertainment company. Please send resumes and cover letters to dkaplan@killerfilms.com

Top Executive/Personal Assistant $100k-$110K (NYC) – Top entertainment executive seeks seasoned gatekeeper. Must “get it,” have at least 7 years of comparable experience supporting a “C” level executive and be based in the NY area. Please email resumes to david@thecalendargroup.com 10/1


Slate PR, a boutique entertainment public relations firm, is currently accepting resumes for a full time receptionist/office administrator in Los Angeles. We are seeking sharp, hardworking and motivated candidates who are interested in learning about all aspects of the PR business, including personal publicity and event public relations. Duties include but are not limited to answering phones, coordinating mail/packages, assisting with events and other administrative duties and tasks as assigned. Previous entertainment PR internship experience is strongly preferred. Please submit your cover letter and resume to Laurina@slate-pr.com.

Top film/music video/commercial production company seeks an enthusiastic, hands-on polished Receptionist available to start immediately for a full-time position. Duties include answering incoming calls, greeting guests and clients and effectively communicating with every department. Must have excellent phone skills. Prior receptionist/office experience a plus. Knowledge of MAC, PC, Word, Excel preferred. Potential for growth. Please send resumes to resume@partizan.us – subject line Receptionist.

INTERNSHIPS (Film & Television)

Boutique literary management company in Beverly Hills looking for an intelligent, creative intern with a great attitude and a sense of humor. Must be available Tuesdays & Thursdays, but opportunities to come in more often. In addition to light general office duties (answering phones, filing, faxing), interns are expected to read and evaluate scripts and write coverage. 3-month commitment required. Internship is unpaid, but school credit available. Please email cover letter and resume to jobs@radmincompany.com with “Office Internship” in subject line.

Seeking interns for 1019 Entertainment in Hollywood. Production company is helmed by Producers Ralph Winter (X-Men, Fantastic Four) and Terry Botwick. 1019 currently has over a dozen projects in various stages of development and is set to release their documentary, Cool It, in November. Prior internship experience preferred, but not required. If interested, please email resume and cover letter to christin.mizelle@gmail.com.

Boutique, below-the-line talent agency looking for a highly motivated intern. Duties will include researching films going into production, keeping our client information updated, and general office manager tasks. Must have an excellent phone demeanor and be able to work at least 3 days a week. This is a great opportunity for someone looking for firsthand experience at a busy talent agency. This position is unpaid and for school credit. Please send your resume and cover letter to el@nyoffice.net

Management Squared, a boutique talent management and production company is looking for unpaid fall interns. Interns must be very professional, have entertainment experience, and a hardworking attitude. This is a great experience as you will be working closely with two of the partners. Please send cover letters and resumes to dryan8888@gmail.com

Strong Management seeks interns to start immediately. Dutie
s include phones, research, covering breakdowns, filing, coordinating appointments. Interns must have reliable transportation and a positive, hard-working attitude. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to learn about the management business. Please send cover letters and resumes to: bevassist@bstrongmanagement.com

Talent management com

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