Matching Charitable Philantropic Organizations with ICONS

Charitable Philantropic Social Entrepreneurship 

If you represent a Charitable Organization that is desirous of procuring the Perfect ICON; the ICONIC Pro Sports Superstar, Entertainment Giant, Corporate Mogul, A-List Celebrity, Influencer or Established Personality Endorsers for your special Charitable Philantropic efforts and/or Social Entrepreneurship; or 

If you are an ICON; an ICONIC Pro Sports Superstar, Entertainment Giant, Corporate Mogul, A-List Celebrity, Influencer or Established Personality Endorsers that is desirous of procuring the Perfect Charitable Organization to assist in your mutual goals of “Giving” with that special Charitable Philantropic effort; we can assist you in that effort.

Charitable Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship

Philanthropy or “love of humanity (etymologically speaking) “ is a word synonymous to Social Entrepreneurship but is not to be mistaken with. Philanthropy deals with donations. The outstanding difference in the two to notice is that philanthropists donate money to foundations and/or causes with money from their personal wealth while social entrepreneurs start businesses to fund a cause or foundation. An example of this is if person A, a rich trillionaire decides to donate or give 100 billion dollars to “Terrance Jacksons’ Christmas fund Foundation” earning him or her, honorable title, philanthropist,. Person B, a social entrepreneur, begins a business (big or small) to raise money to fund “Terrance Jacksons’ Christmas fund Foundation”. Both are awesome titles but it isn’t a competition between the two of them, the goal is to help the cause or foundation as they often work together rather than apart to help more than they could alone. 

Today’s young people are as concerned with making a positive impact on the world as they are with making money. A whopping 94% want to use their skills to benefit a cause. Meanwhile, only half of Americans have confidence in the free market system, down from 80% just 15 years ago.

Against this backdrop, social enterprise has taken off as a new formula for success, combining capitalism with a do-gooder mentality. These self-funding, for-profit businesses also have a mission to tackle global issues such as alleviating hunger, improving education, and combatting climate change. To achieve their high-minded goals, the companies might fund specific programs, partner with governments or existing philanthropic entities, or follow a one-for-one donation model, and work on either the local or international level.

For this procurement process we consider that a Social Entrepreneur identifies and implements practical solutions to social problems through innovation, resourcefulness and persistence. … Philanthropists play an important role in supporting social entrepreneurs through funding, mentoring, and brokering contacts and networks. What is YOUR position?

Social entrepreneurship is an approach by individuals, groups, start-up companies or entrepreneurs, in which they develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues. This concept may be applied to a wide range of organizations, which vary in size, aims, and beliefs.

We Identify and TARGET Social Entrepreneurs and Philanthropists for this procurement process and provide a service to unite the parties! 

Aaron and Margaret Wallace Foundation works in tandem with ¿eX-whY? AdVentures (¿eX-whY?) and Superstar Management (SSM) to provide matches for Charities looking for Celebrity Endorsers with Celebrity Endorsers; and Celebrity Endorsers looking for Charities with Charities.

¿eX-whY? AdVentures gained wide regard as the premier organization in developing, designing and producing commercial advertising, marketing, promotions, celebrity endorsement, corporate sponsorship and major events. We implement turnkey corporate sports and entertainment programs that capture all the color and excitement of the occasion.  On-site catering, custom decorating and arranging for pro sports superstars, entertainment giants, celebrity hosts and corporate moguls appearances are among the amenities they provide to give a company a first-class presence at a world-class event.

¿eX-whY? has produced TV programming for Disney, ABC-TV and ESPN, as well as events in Japan, Russia, Egypt, Romania, Paris, Europe, Brunei, and the U.S.  and has consulted and advised BBDO Worldwide Advertising, Starter, Members of The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia, The Arthur Ashe Foundation, Rare Multimedia, Capcom, Comspan,The National Medical Association, Apex 1, Electronic Arts(EA SPORTS), The ESPY’S, National Football League(NFL EXPERIENCE) Super Bowl, “90210”, Black Entertainment Television(BET), Sega, The Sultan of Brunei, Trans-Pacific Centre, Nike, Pepsi Co., Oakland City Image Campaign, Boost Mobile Innercity Leadership Initiative, Russell Athletic, Private Jet, ESPN, Sports Image Awards, Clorox Co., Golden State Warriors Adonal Foyle’s “Athletics and Academics” Basketball Camp, BART, Levi Strauss, Montgomery Wards, The Jimmy V Foundation, “Home Improvement”, Lynn Harris’ “Fourth Quarter Athletics Basketball Showcase” (with Ashley and Courtney Paris(OU), Devanei Hampton (Cal), Alexis Gray-Lawson (Cal), Candice Wiggins, Brooke Smith, and Ashley Walker(Cal), Minority Business Forum, Foremost/McKesson, Young Brothers Timepices, etc.
¿eX-whY? and SSM are members of the Casting Society of America (CSA), Independant Film Producers (IFP), Screen Actors Guild (SAG), Producers Guild of America (PGA), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI)

¿eX-whY? is a comprehensive multinational resource for the development and marketing of individual events in the sports, entertainment and television fields. ¿eX-whY?’s event-related activities cover everything from the creation, development and operation of a major new All-Star Awards show to the management and marketing of merchandising, licensing, sponsorship, sales and broadcasting of programming for many exciting, new, distinguished events on the international sports and entertainment level.

SUPERSTAR MANAGEMENT,(SSM),  the first entertainment and sports management and marketing firms, is world renowned for promoting, representing, advising, negotiating, and arbitrating many lucrative and unprecedented contracts in the sports and entertainment field for such clients as Muhammed Ali, Brian Taylor, U.S. Rep. J.C. Watts, Warner Bros. Records, Deion Sanders, Byron Stewart, Delvin Williams, Giant Records, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, M.C. Hammer, Capitol Records, Larkin Arnold(Michael Jackson, Luther Vandross, Natalie Cole, “Get On The Bus”), Lyman Bostock, Evander Holyfield, Spencer Haywood, Cliff Robinson, Abbey Lincoln, EMI Records, Emanuel Stewart(Lennox Lewis, Prince Naseem Hamed, Oscar DeLa Hoya), George L. Smith Mangement(The Deele, Antonio “LA” Reid, Kenneth “BabyFace” Edmonds, Bobby Brown, Pebbles, Soul II Soul), John Carlos, Reggie White, Marvin Gaye, Martin Wyatt, and Leslie Allen among others. SSM handles professional personal services contracts in sports, entertainment, electronic multimedia, literary, publishing, merchandising, licensing, commercial advertisement, product endorsement, personal appearances, corporate affiliations, concerts, tours, broadcasting,T.V., video, and motion pictures.

Jean-Claude Van Damme, Hammer, Deion Sanders in Street Fighter Movie and Video Game’s “Straight To My Feet” video Promo

The practice of using sports, entertainment, advertising and special events properties as marketing vehicles has gained widespread acceptance within the international business community with Hip Hop as the main thrust. ¿eX-whY?’s Strategic Planning expertise in such areas as advertising, promotions, marketing, merchandising, licensing, corporate affiliation, broadcasting and publishing has proven invaluable. Event-related activities are now a major part of the master plan for most enterprises and every corporations future activities. In addition to SSM managing the commercial affairs of dozens of the worlds premier sporting greats, ¿eX-whY?’s is creating and/or developing several of the most successful new events on the international entertainment calendar. Concerts, sports, and many entertainment events are all developed, managed, organized and produced by ¿eX-whY?’s. As the benchmark organization in the sports and special events marketing industry, ¿eX-whY?’s is retained by major corporations to enhance their sports marketing programs.
¿eX-whY? company’s philosophy of “Taking the imaginative best of Hollywood; it’s producers, directors, writers, and actors; combine those with the creative advertising agencies of Madison Avenue and it’s commercials ads, product endorsements and marketing; the shrewd business acumen of Wall Street and Corporate America with it’s corporate sponsorships, promotions, and public relations; and now bring them together with Park Ave. and the hero-worshiped pitchmen from the world of professional sports and entertainment and you have a completely new phenomenon !!” . This unheard of game plan serves ¿eX-whY?’s exceedingly well. It is a philosophy reflected not only in the firm’s world famous clientele, but in the depth and quality of its executive staff.
We will custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the PSA’s, commercial ads, product endorsement, the jingle, and all promotions associated with the organization, fundraisers, special event, product or whatever your needs are!
We devise and implement overall strategies and tactics for reaching its clients target market(s) using sports, motion picture, entertainment, concerts, internet,  advertisements, endorsements, and special event properties as marketing vehicles to implement sponsorship and other promotional programs of an advertising campaign, for corporate exposure and product image enhancement.

Matching Charitable Philantropic Organizations with ICONS

(510) 394-4101


Matching Charitable Philantropic Organization with ICON Questionnaire
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