The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and National Lawyers Guild (NLG-SFBA) Human Civil Rights Committee (HCRC)

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation and National Lawyers Guild (NLG-SFBA) Human Civil Rights Committee (HCRC)
Human Civil Rights Committee Exploratory Meeting 

Please contact our colleague Abdul Jalil al-Hakim ( if you are interested in joining us for an exploratory meeting to assess the idea of initiating a new committee focused on an integral approach to issues related to human rights and civil rights, in the tradition of the NLG’s long standing work as a space for the strategic convergence of movements in defense of our most fundamental rights.

Camilo Pérez-Bustillo

Executive Director


(510) 394-4101

In doing so we are engaging in a membership drive aimed specifically to increase the membership in that Committee to include Civil Rights Lawyers, Groups and Organizations; Multi Cultural/Interfaith Religious Institutions; Unions and union members; advocates/activist; educators/students; and concerned Community members vested in the betterment of the lives of those whose Civil Rights are being compromised the greatest. Potential new associate members would apply to ALL the NATIONAL movements: Federal, State and Local, Political and Legislative, Senate and House members advocacy; Constitutional, Human and Civil rights organizations; Black Lives Matter; Defund the Police Reform; Social Justice Reform; Anti-Systemic Racism organizations; Voters Rights organizations; Immigration; Climate Justice; Healthcare; Wealth Inequality; Education; Gun Violence; Hunger and Food Insecurity; Abortion-Pro Choice Rights; LGBTQIA; School-to-Prison Pipeline; Homelessness; Abuse movements; Color of Change, James Rucker, Van Jones, Colin Kaepernick, Malcolm Jenkins, Anquan Bolden, AND ALL community-based organizations, activist, advocates, service providers, donors, volunteers, nonprofit groups, in collaboration with ALL hunger, health care, housing, violence, abuse, counseling, senior, youth, women, children, civil rights, employment, and education response agencies- to thousands of men, women and children living in San Francisco/ Oakland Bay Area in California to help transform NOT JUST the lives of people in need, BUT ALL PEOPLE.

There was once a time back in the late 1960’s and 1970’s where the NLG, specifically in the Bay Area, LEAD THE WORLD in the fight for Civil Rights with so many GREAT lawyers whose strategy, tactics and style was not only imitated, but taught as a tool for success!

With Roe v Wade Women’s Rights overturned; George Floyd Police Reform Bill stalled; John Lewis Voter Rights Bill locked out with counter laws to deny equal voting rights surging across the country; LGBTQ rights headed for reversal; Immigration Bills ended; DACA Act denied; Enviornmental, Criminal, Prison and Social Justice reforms disbanded; WITH ALL HUMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS UNDER ATTACK, WHEREIN AMERICAN SOCIETY HAS BEEN SET BACK OVER 100 YEARS, URGENCY IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT.

This illustrates that ALL CIVIL RIGHTS are under sever threat of being rolled back 100 years!, Unless and until there is complete Judicial Reform revoking immunity for Judges, Police and Prosecutors to END Grand Systemic and Endemic Corruption, that maintains and continues the Jim Crow administration of justice serving White Class and Privileged Bias, YOUR LIVES, BLACK LIVES, ALL LIVES DON’T MATTER!

The dramatic long standing effects of the Jim Crow administration of justice is characterized by tyrannical Federal, State, and Local Governments; Corrupt Federal, State, and Local Government Judicial and Law Enforcement Agencies; Rampant Fraud and Corruption; Class, Race and Caste Societal Wars; Dehumanization of the Minority and Poor Masses; Financial Collapse; Famine, Disease; Food Insecurity; Affordable Housing Drought; Sky Rocketing Unemployment; Social Unrest; Environmental Disaster; other characteristics representative of a Cataclysmic Decline in Society as the Rich Top 2% Just Get Richer at everyone else’s expense!!

With the WHOLE WORLD protesting the reversal of Roe v Wade and the integrity, or lack thereof, of the Supreme and lower Courts, this is a HUMAN concern that will only grow in importance everyday!

Pro-Democracy Human Civil Rights policy leaders around the world, have a very difficult challenge. 

This is not a regular challenge, nor traditional contest of the kind you and I have ever had in the past, deciding whether we should have this kind of legal Human Civil Rights policy for a movement or that kind of Human Civil Rights policy for a movement. Our society has become increasingly a contest between liberal democracy — continued and expanded liberal democracy against fascism, political violence, illiberalism.

We are fighting against forces that want to and are increasingly gaining control over our ability to have a Human Civil Rights policy be something that can be thrown out with elections if they don’t like the results or answer they get.

If you are in the position of being in the pro-democracy, Human Civil Rights movement, here is your challenge. On the one hand, you have to call out those threats to pro-democracy, to Human Civil Rights, because it’s incredibly important to do so. You have to be outraged because you should be outraged. But if that is all you are offering, you are NOT effectively providing Human Civil Rights policy for any effective solutions, much less a movement! YOU ARE NOT meeting those MOST in need, nor voters where they are in the concerns that they have in the lived terrain of their lives.

The challenge for pro-democracy forces effectively providing Human Civil Rights policy with any effective solutions, and a movement is, how can our pro-democracy forces beat back this threat of authoritarianism- fascism, political violence, illiberalism? Not simply by condemning it, which people have gotten very good at, but actually, outcompeting it.

Outcompeting it for hearts and minds. Outcompeting it so that those MOST in need feel their cause is more immediate to ALL peoples’ lives than fascism and authoritarianism does. Those MOST in need FEEL more exuberant and transcendent than fascism and authoritarianism does. Offers more belonging than fascism and authoritarianism does. It offers more of effective ANSWERS, SOLUTIONS, RESOLUTIONS of their legal Human Civil Rights bewilderment and confusion in a confusing age than fascism and authoritarianism does.

Right now, the pro-democracy movement is not succeeding, I would even argue LOSING GROUND, at outcompeting fascism. I am making a plea having spent the last 50 years studying, working on the ground developing a formula that we learn from the Bay Area’s glorious past being LEADERS in the pro-democracy, Human Civil Rights policy movement to beat back this authoritarian tide.

The American midterms had two very distinct systems of democracy and illiberal competing against each other. And I’m not just throwing that out. The majority of the Republican candidates ran on the platform are all election deniers, democracy deniers. That’s an actual fact.

As the election neared, we saw that the latest polls showed in the congressional ballot that the average support for both Democratic candidates and Republican candidates was at about 46 percent. In other words, they’re just about tied in this point. Which is a little different than what we heard a couple of months ago. We heard a couple of months ago that the stories of hope, the stories of democracy working, the stories of legislation were beginning to show up for the Democrats. But that faded out.

Where do WE go from here?



Entertainment Jobs and Casting Opportunities OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2010 Listings
There are some good entertainment industry job listings below and on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at
We have a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing targeting the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY AdVenture?. We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the motion picture or television project, stage play, entertainment event, commercial ads, film trailers, soundtracks, the jingle, voice overs, and all promotions associated with the product.
We are developing jobs for actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and writers in the entertainment, commercial advertisement, stage, film and television fields.
To that end, our agency would like to provide you with a list of entertainment jobs and castings calls that might fit the description for your job considerations or placement for jobs for a friend that you have.
We would be interested in placing you in any roles for anyone of our 10,000 Professional Athletes, Entertainers, Celebrity, Musicians, and Actors direct email recipients; our over 270,000 list members; and our over 21 million total readers of the publications we submit to.
As you can tell from our roster of talent, our Casting Division has a unique advantage in all forms of casting. With the growing popularity of “film and music video-style” products, we have found that directors and producers value our ability to call in seasoned, serious talent from the film and television industries to add depth and quality to performances in stage, film, television and commercials.
More than four decades of feature film, television and commercial casting experience has provided us with strong relationships with agents, managers and talent which helps us to find the necessary talent to create innovative, creative and one-of-a-kind artistic product.
We can send Photos, Bios, videos, Comp Cards, CV with samples of work and salary requirements, where necessary. We are members of the Casting Society of America (C.S.A.), Independent Film Producers (I.F.P.), Screen Actors Guild (S.A.G.), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) to list a few.
Remember, there are some good entertainment industry job listings on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!

NEED LEGAL COUNSEL FOR PROTECTION OF THE HOMELESS/NEEDY FROM THE Pandemic Scammers- Social Service Providers/Agencies- POVERTY PIMPS – “Scamdemers“

We are recommending an Investigation and Forensic Audit of the “Scamdemers“

We, the Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF) are looking for legal Counsel to provide legal services to Seniors, mentally compromised, the housing marginalized/Homeless, disabled, medically challenged, the indigent, immigrants, refugees, LGBTQ-gender, religious minorities, ethnic minorities, people of color, youth that are aged out of foster care/adoption, emancipated youth, minorities of ALL persuasions, whom have been set up to have their housing denied and, in some cases, put back on the street for no reason other than we have caught their “Scamdemic service providers” in multiple, extremely racist and bigoted instances of discrimination and persecution in the processing of housing applications and even having government law enforcement agencies involved as a silent third-party in doing so! These Scamdemic agencies are raking in multi-million dollars a year and providing substandard services, with improperly and untrained employees that is costing ALL PARTIES millions in WASTE as well! The Scamdemers have tried to abuse many of them so badly that they would just leave the programs and go back to the streets, freeway underpasses, etc.!

We sought out our partners at the National Lawyers Guild- San Francisco Bay Area (NLG-SFBA), but there was no one qualified that responded.

The Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation (AMWF), is a 65 year old, 501C3 non-profit, public services organization based on GIVING AND SHARING, is non-denominational, Multi-Cultural, 100% volunteer financed and operated relief organization that provides FREE charitable assistance to the general public with food, medicine, clothing, educational and employment opportunities, mental and physical health referrals, legal aid, shelter and other necessities to individuals, children, families, and organizations who lack these essentials for any reason. We provide private school and college admissions educational opportunities; assists with referrals for job training and placement; rental assistance; social services assistance; homelessness assistance; mental and physical health assistance; medical assistance and legal aid assistance referrals FREE for ANYONE whom has the need.

 AMWF is especially concerned about the most vulnerable people in the community and extends these various services and programs to the economically, mentally, and physically challenged; the poor and homeless; the undereducated and undeserved; people living with symptomatic HIV and AIDS; substance abuse; seniors 55 years and older; prenatal women; at risk youth; shut-in and homebound people living with serious illness; people with compromised immune systems, low-wage workers, and undocumented people. We have multiple efforts to support organizations and communities responding to the impact of COVID-19 in racial bias, worker protection, homelessness, renter protection, housing insecurity, and food security and the needs of low-income communities, particularly the impacts for communities of color, related to COVID-19.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has driven unprecedented surges in demand for food assistance, AMWF’s food network brings together different groups, organizations, and agencies that work with the poor and needy has always had one of the best ever business models combines our food procurement with our established innovative food redistribution hub, serves a network for other hunger-relief organizations to provide more effective hunger-relief efforts in the Bay Area.

We are committed to greater racial and economic equity in the Bay Area and want to ensure that people of color and low-income people are (1) food, basic needs and economically secure, (2) remain in their rooted neighborhood communities, and (3) vigorously engage in social, civic, and just legal life and part of the inclusive Democracy!

We provide FREE groceries, clothing, shoes, hygiene kits, sleeping bags, blankets, medicine, and hot chef’s prepared gourmet meals to the homeless and homeless encampments and habitations of ALL kinds, from the streets to parks, from trees and bushes to alleys, from corners to ditches, from hand built shanties to tents under freeway overpasses!

We are contacting you today in hopes that you may be able to assist us with the housing marginalized individuals and families that are subjected to the “selective persecution” that goes along with the hate induced racism, bigotry, persecution, bias, prejudice and sheer terror that those in charge of the multi-million dollar “house the homeless Scamdemic” so willingly and viciously FORCE upon the helpless!

The housing marginalized/homeless “LIVE- (if I can refer to it as living)” daily with numerous Federal and State sponsored crimes that violate EVERY CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, and the Federal and California State CONSTITUTIONS getting the worst treatment you could imagine, that’s EXTREMELY inhumane because they feel entitled to invoke racism, bigotry, harassment, and persecution upon them, as being homeless, no one cares, no one is going to protect them and it’s escalating with the lies, deception, and fraud that now is common place in ALL their interactions as these “Scamdemers” are clearly acting in concert with each other!
They, the poverty pimp “Scamdemers”, can manipulate the system anyway they chose since no one is really watching to hold them accountable, it’s largely unregulated, and the clients they are supposed to serve are unknown- invisible to society as people, but exist only as human blight and vermin in their respective privileged neighborhoods destined to be extracted- BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
The housing marginalized/homeless are subjected to these unbridled attacks because the service agencies are “the only game in town”! It’s their game, their ball, their court, they own the league and operate it unencumbered and un-policed! It’s truly the Wild, Wild West, and they have ALL the guns and ammunition!

These “Scamdemers” operate in conjunction with and in many capacities Executives, Directors, Housing Commissions, Housing Authorities in the commission of numerous Federal and State crimes that violate EVERY CIVIL RIGHTS ACT, the CONSTITUTION AND ALL BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS!

To quote just TWO instances: 

1) “Your ILLEGAL, INHUMAN tactics including the HATE, multiple threats, sheer TERROR, intimidation, and harassment forced on them with the intent to inflict the maximum pain and suffering on them, while you engaged in CRIMINAL FRAUD AND CONCEALMENT AS YOU HAD THE X DOCUMENT AND WAS AWARE OF IT’S CONTENTS ALL THE TIME! To enact your strategy, you needed them to produce it to conceal the fact that you already had it! These are Federal and State crimes of Hate, and violations of EVERY CIVIL RIGHTS ACT and the CONSTITUTION!”

2) “your using this weaponized process to further your agenda of persecution while committing Hate Crimes, Terror, Civil Conspiracy, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, Hate Induced Bigotry, Vindictive Retaliation, Oppression, Harassment, Racism, Bias, Prejudice, Unfairness, Persecution, AND GRAND CORRUPTION!”

There have been several attempts with law enforcement to “frame” their clients for fraud the Scamdemers were committing in their clients name with the intent to entrapment them in the charge! It has backfired many times, BUT IS STILL ACTIVE!

The Scamdemers even tried to abuse the law by making excessive, unrelated DEMANDS for legally protected- private and personal unrelated information that they had NO RIGHT to in furtherance of their agenda. Two examples: 

1) If there are any other legal requirements for any other documents, as we said before, PLEASE PROVIDE THE DOCUMENTED LEGAL REFERENCE FOR IT AS IT WOULD ALSO INCLUDE WHAT DOCUMENTS SATISFY THAT REQUIREMENT. The scamdemers has REPEATEDLY failed and refused to do so on ALL previous requests for the substantiation of the request (demand). This appears to be another ruse to provoke and aggrieve them in your entrapment strategy. 

2) “We all have agreed that your and others at XXX admitted continuing collective and coordinated efforts to ensure X’s  frustration, and dissatisfaction has been duly noted, as we are well experienced in recognizing and negating these “Target, Engagement, Harassment, Provocation, Litigation” tactics as a part of the larger “Entrapment” strategy and the reference to consult your “others” in this matter as well.” 

The Scamdemers admissions evenbrings into play their use of “others” and their roles in this continuing saga that should be about their clients housing and well being- NOT an “Entrapment”.
Their use of “others” compromises their “cover” and implies that they and/or the “others” are or maybe under and working with a government Special Services Division, with or as confidential informants, snitches, government operatives, are authorized to engage in illegal activity and acts that would be unlawful if performed by an actual FBI agent such as entrapment by “participating in an act that constitutes an obstruction of justice (e.g. perjury, witness tampering, witness intimidation, entrapment, or the fabrication, alteration, or destruction of evidence),” or to “initiate a plan or strategy to commit a federal, state, or local offense,” they provide a number of conditions under which “an inducement to an individual to engage in crime is authorized.”
These confidential informants, snitches, government operatives can provide a number of conditions under which “an inducement to an individual to engage in crime is authorized.” This could apply to any or all of the actions taken in and of their services as a “quasi- governmental” agency acting in their clients name and stead. 

    The Scamdemers constant hostility, harassment, oppressive, onerous criminal corruption and persecution to the detriment of those most in need with their adversarial actions appears to be more a continuing ruse to provoke them with their racial and religious biases and aggrieve them in their entrapment strategy.

     The Scamdemers are ALL legal parties as Governmental and Quasi-governmental employees, agents, contractors, entities, associates, members, and contractors of their companies, the U. S. Federal Government, State of California, County, and cities, among others, have engaged in unethical and criminal means, instigated and encouraged said acts, which gives rise to fraudulent, corruption as the Scamdemers conspired, consorted, colluded, conceived, employed and enacted the criminal, tactical, hate crime inspired policy of TARGETED HATE CRIME, Terror, Civil Conspiracy, Islamophobia, Xenophobia, Hate Induced Bigotry, Vindictive Retaliation, Oppression, Harassment, Racism, Discrimination, Bias, Prejudice, Unfairness, Persecution, AND GRAND CORRUPTION, victimization, inciting acrimony, animus, in the continued persecution with calumny deceit and the attempted entrapment of them as the continuing “TARGET”.

    ALL the Scamdemers DOCUMENTED actions alleged include violations of the First, Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, Unruh and Ralph Civil Rights Acts, and the Bane Acts, Equal Protection under 42 U.S.C. ß 1983, California Constitution, Article VI, § 4 1/2; California Code of Civil Procedure §§ 355, 356, 473, 475, 3523, and 3528, and for Harassment, Censorship, Fraud, Negligence, Misrepresentation, Abuse of Process, Breach of Contract, Breach of the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing, Breach of Express Warranty, Breach of Implied Warranty, Breach of Contract/Common Law Warranty, Deceptive Trade Practices, Intentional Misrepresentation, Negligent Misrepresentation, Fraud by Concealment, California’s Unfair Competition Law, Cal Bus & Prof Code §§ 17200 et seq, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Discrimination in Violation of the Unruh Act, Nuisance, Abuse of Process, Fraud by Concealment, Violation of California False Advertising Law, Violation of California Consumers Legal Remedies Act (CLRA), Breach of Implied Warranty, Deceit-(California Civil Code § 1710), Unfair and Deceptive Business Practices, Unconscionability (UDAP), Elder Abuse.
Given the FRAUD, ADMITTED LIES AND DECEPTION, THEFT, FABRICATION OF DOCUMENTS, ETC., this could easily be “a plan or strategy to commit a federal, state, or local offense” in the “entrapped” clients name, under the guise of “an inducement to an individual to engage in crime is authorized.” 

Here again they are admitting their entrapment strategy and their involving unknown “third parties” that are directing their actions in this admitted attempt at fraud.
Can you PLEASE give them some guidance and representation, or perhaps direct us to someone that can if you can’t help them? We will await your communication.


A. J.
Entertainment Jobs and Casting Opportunities
There are some good entertainment industry job listings below and on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at
We have a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing targeting the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY AdVenture?. We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the motion picture or television project, stage play, entertainment event, commercial ads, film trailers, soundtracks, the jingle, voice overs, and all promotions associated with the product.
We are developing jobs for actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and writers in the entertainment, commercial advertisement, stage, film and television fields.
To that end, our agency would like to provide you with a list of entertainment jobs and castings calls that might fit the description for your job considerations or placement for jobs for a friend that you have.
We would be interested in placing you in any roles for anyone of our 10,000 Professional Athletes, Entertainers, Celebrity, Musicians, and Actors direct email recipients; our over 270,000 list members; and our over 21 million total readers of the publications we submit to.
As you can tell from our roster of talent, our Casting Division has a unique advantage in all forms of casting. With the growing popularity of “film and music video-style” products, we have found that directors and producers value our ability to call in seasoned, serious talent from the film and television industries to add depth and quality to performances in stage, film, television and commercials.
More than four decades of feature film, television and commercial casting experience has provided us with strong relationships with agents, managers and talent which helps us to find the necessary talent to create innovative, creative and one-of-a-kind artistic product.
We can send Photos, Bios, videos, Comp Cards, CV with samples of work and salary requirements, where necessary. We are members of the Casting Society of America (C.S.A.), Independent Film Producers (I.F.P.), Screen Actors Guild (S.A.G.), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) to list a few.
Remember, there are some good entertainment industry job listings on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!

Entertainment Jobs Oct.-Nov. 2011

There are some good entertainment industry job listings below and on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!
We have a HipHop Ad Agency specializing in advertising, strategic planning, promotions and marketing targeting the hard to reach, but extremely lucrative, X-Y and Baby Boomer generations urban and suburban markets using Hip Hop culture, it’s sound, it’s fashion, it’s speak, it’s bravado, it’s image, it’s way, as the vehicle. We have registered the services of Hip Hop, Rap and RB’s elite artists, producers, directors, writers, choreographers, dancers, graff artist, B-boys, photographers, actors, models, and professional athletes to participate in this ¿eX-whY AdVentures?. We are producing commercial ads from concept, to creation, to production, to placement in media, – the entire process-, while owning our product!!!
We custom design, write, direct, produce, perform and provide all talent for the motion picture or television project, stage play, entertainment event, commercial ads, film trailers, soundtracks, the jingle, voice overs, and all promotions associated with the product.
We are developing jobs for actors, producers, directors, casting directors, and writers in the entertainment, commercial advertisement, stage, film and television fields.
To that end , our management agency would like you to provide us with a list of your castings calls that might fit this description for consideration in placement for jobs that you have.
We would be interested in any roles for anyone of our 10,000 Professional Athletes, Entertainers, Celebrity, Musicians, and Actors direct email recipients; our over 270,000 list members; and our over 21 million total readers of the publications we submit to.
As you can tell from our roster of talent, our Casting Division has a unique advantage in all forms of casting. With the growing popularity of ‘film and music video-style’ products, we have found that directors and producers value our ability to call in seasoned, serious talent from the film and television industries to add depth and quality to performances in stage, film, television and commercials.
More than two decades of feature film, television and commercial casting experience has provided us with strong relationships with agents, managers and talent which helps us to find the necessary talent to create innovative, creative and one-of-a-kind artistic product.
We can send Photos, Bios, videos, Comp Cards, CV with samples of work and salary requirements, where necessary. We are members of the Casting Society of America (C.S.A.), Independent Film Producers (I.F.P.), Screen Actors Guild (S.A.G.), and Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI) to list a few.
There are some good entertainment industry job listings on the “Casting Page” with Executive jobs in Sports and Entertainment with casting calls, auditions, and internships on the front page at!


SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK has over 270,000 subscriber/members with a reach of over 21 million readers! The Network offers FREE advice and help with your sports or entertainment career, FREE Casting calls for TV shows, films, and stage, Invites to Red Carpet and Celebrity A-List Events, FREE notices of Sports and Entertainment jobs, FREE tickets to concerts, films, sporting events, symphony, amusement, and entertainment events, To be part of a Professional Network that provides what YOU need to advance YOUR career. Receive FREE Information and Opportunities for Entertainers and Professional Athlete Representation, Entertainment and Sports Marketing and Business Management in all areas of sports, music and entertainment matters for professional athletes in Entertainment, Motion Picture, Television, Stage, Radio, and Record contracts, Casting opportunities, product endorsements, commercial ads, corporate sponsorships, personal appearances, acting, event production, job placement, branding, funding support, training, event planning and promotion, film and TV production, recording, publishing, concert promotion, talent management, and merchandising. Selling of sports, television, radio, motion picture, and advertising products as well as multimedia, music recording and literary publishing. Subscribe to Superstars Network here. To learn more go to the “SUPERSTARS ENTERTAINMENT and SPORTS NETWORK” page on

Free Tickets to GOAPELE- Yoshis, S.F., 5/1 @8pm; Tank- Yoshis, Oakland, 4/24 @8pm; A List Celebrities Comps for Kentucky Derby, May 5-7, 2011; New Entertainment Jobs May-April 2011!

  SUPERSTAR MANAGEMENT 7633 Sunkist Drive, Oakland CA  94605-3032 (510) 394-4501 Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation Join the Superstars Entertainment and Sports Network Abdul-Jalil’s Haas School of Business Profile Ziggs Profile of Abdul-Jalil Linked In Profile on Abdul-Jalil Abdul-Jalil on Twitter: @ajalil Abdul-Jalil on FaceBook Abdul-Jalil’s “ooVoo” Video Chat Room iPhone FaceTime:  (510) …
Continue reading Free Tickets to GOAPELE- Yoshis, S.F., 5/1 @8pm; Tank- Yoshis, Oakland, 4/24 @8pm; A List Celebrities Comps for Kentucky Derby, May 5-7, 2011; New Entertainment Jobs May-April 2011!