District Attorney Investigates City Attorneys John Russo, Jayne Williams, Meyers Nave Corruption Complaint

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One Special Case

ESPN Bostock 5th & Jackson TV Special Part 1

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Part 2

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the “al-Hakim Tax Code Ruling”


Smart Agent


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Dellums for Mayor


Hip Hop’s Islamic Influence


1979 National BALSA Conference

Oakland Police Officers Arrested


Computer Store Burglaries


Police Found Guilty in Burglaries


Police Officers Sentenced for Burglaries


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September 9, 2010,  Oakland, CA:
Martin Silverman

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Sign this petition Now to stand against Corruption; Governmental, Legal and Police Misconduct; White Collar Crime; Unfair Employment and Business Practices; Consumer Fraud; Islamophobia and Xenophobia and show YOUR SUPPORT for Government Transparency; Accountability; Civic Reform; Enforcing Ethical Standards; Civil Rights and Religious Freedom!

Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim has over 40,000 signatures and implore you to click on any one of the links and sign the Petition To The Honorables President Barack Obama and United States Attorney General Eric Holder to raise it’s investigation of corruption involving Attorney General Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams, former District Attorney Tom Orloff, and current District Attorney Nancy E. O’Malley.http://ex-why.com/petition-to-the-honorable-president-barack-hussein-obama-ii/




The complaint and audio files can be viewed and/or downloaded here:

The Complaint:
You can read and/or download the Complaint and the exhibits here if you choose or go to the website for complete coverage here http://nowtruth.org/city-attorneys-russo-williams-complaint-for-corruption-extrinsic-fraud-ethics/

Voice Mail Messages:
Demetruis Shelton, current President of the National Bar Association and City Attorney employee’s Voicemail Russo Received Trial Subpoenas!!!”


City Attorney employee Alex Katz voicemail message threatening and warned KPFA Radio Host Gabrielle Wilson not to broadcast the interview and demanded she speak with him before she aired the scheduled program. He did this though he wanted Miss Wilson and KPFA to believe that John Russo and the City Attorney’s office was not involved in the case and had nothing to hide! You can view the documents and videos of Russo’s corruption on the web page City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide http://nowtruth.org/?page_id=440 and listen to that voicemail message here.

Luis Medina, a manager in the music director’s office at KPFA then calls Miss Wilson just hours prior to the scheduled broadcast and leaves a voicemail message warning her that it was very important for the broadcast not to occur. He also stated that there might be very serious repercussions taken if she were to proceed as planned. She even received a phone call from the long-time regular show host, Emmitt Powell whom was contacted by the station in response to Russo’s effort to censor the show.

Miss Wilson proceeded to host the program all alone to comply with the City Attorney and KPFA’s censorship directive without any of her invited guests. You can listen to that voicemail message here.

Miss Wilson was forced to make at least three announcements to inform the public whom had tuned in to hear this intriguing panel examine this critical civil rights and corruption case in an important election year, that this incredible show had been canceled due to KPFA’s censorship by Oakland City Attorney John Russo!

You can listen to those announcements here.
Aborted Interview Announcement 1 http://www.box.net/shared/5hrfbsm8xj
Aborted Interview Announcement 2 http://www.box.net/shared/0idjh3jitg
Aborted Interview Announcement 3 http://www.box.net/shared/t4dg2k65a3

District Attorney Investigates City Attorneys John Russo, Jayne Williams, Meyers Nave Corruption Complaint!

After a number of faxes, the filing of a formal complaint against City Attorney’s John Russo of Oakland and Jayne Williams of San Leandro and their City Attorney’s office administrations including the law firm of Meyers Nave, on June 7, 2010 and several conversations with the Alameda County District Attorney office, District Attorney Nancy O’Malley assigned the case to Assistant District Attorney Kevin Dunleavy. After his review and several more conversations with al-Hakim, he has decided to assign the case for investigation.

One of the areas discussed for investigation is that of jurisdiction since the complaint also involves actions on the part of the D. A., their prior open court admission of fraud injuring al-Hakim and his family in another matter, though they should be able to be separated without consequence or compromise. It is somewhat complicated by the fact that the D. A. feels that the complaint rightfully belongs back with the United States Attorney General Eric Holder, who’s office had it originally under A. G. Alberto Gonzalez. al-Hakim rejected that notion, been there, done that, going back already! al-Hakim opposed that theory as “kicking the can down the road to avoid their responsibility to investigate and prosecute their friends and themselves” because al-Hakim already has that prong in his attack and would not allow the D. A. off the hook that easily with a self-serving excuse. Another D. A. close to al-Hakim separately proposed to have the Grand Jury handle the investigation only to face the same rationale.

As you all know, al-Hakim has harnessed the power of public opinion, has a petition in circulation for President Obama and U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder to expand the initial investigation to a complaint filed in 2005 with a grass roots movement embraced by thousands demanding a change in the policy of isolation, victimization, criminalization and the attempted entrapment of the victim, including the use of government initiated Nixon era “White House Plumbers” and CoIntelpro style dirty tricks! This civil conspiracy has brought into play County and Sate Agencies to further it’s continued investigation of al-Hakim whom the defense admitted in 1998 has been surveilled for years and continues today with the compromising of many agents and informants covers due to their sloppiness.

This effort was a major factor in al-Hakim’s recent trials in the County and State Courts and was used to gather reconnaissance against him. This manifested itself as the supreme purveyor of the judicial corruption, perjury, bias, prejudice and ultimate cover-up of these crimes against al-Hakim. al-Hakim has four complaints filed with the Alameda County Presiding Court Judge that have been being investigated for over three years without any response from the court while the judges continue to rule from the bench. What happens when they are found to have committed corruption, corrupt misconduct, gross miscarriages of justice, bias, prejudice, and perjury while serving and they continued to serve while these crimes were being investigated making rulings that they legally and morally where unfit to have made? What happens to all the rulings that they made while under this cloud of veiled crime? What happens to all the parties unjustly tried and cases unjustly settled or disposed of? This fact alone will not only ruin the court system but ruin the eroded confidence of the public in the exposed truly unjust, dishonored judicial system we live today in the City of Oakland, Alameda County and the State of California.

al-Hakim has warned District Attorney Nancy O’Malley that he will not allow any posturing by any political opportunist with this investigation being a cursory one with out any possibility of prosecution of the criminals nor the passing of the buck to the United States Attorney General or Alameda County Grand Jury. O’Malley thinks there’s votes and money in positioning herself as being aggressive on crime in a high profile manner by pursuing this matter on paper for pure electoral reasons! Several of the judges that have clearly committed crimes in this case are directly involved with the Grand Jury. Never the less, al-Hakim insists that the parties engage in the process of investigating themselves as a true measure of transparency, accountability, crime fighting and justice that they all have so faithfully campaigned on!

Far too many instances of foul play on behalf of the City Attorneys, Alameda County District Attorney, Alameda County Superior Court, California Attorney General, California Appeals Court for the governing bodies the complaint was filed with to ignore their dutiful responsibility to investigate and prosecute,

There have been far too many threats and warnings from people in positions of power directly opposed to exposing this complaint and the dastardly crimes contained therein. The cover up has taken on the proportions a movement! There should be no difficulty nor opposition to the investigation and prosecution of the complaint. Now they feel they can’t let al-Hakim prevail because it portrays them in the old axiom of “a group smart people not being able to legally exploit and take advantage of one stupid person!”.

Incredibly, sympathizing politicians are carrying the criminals water without defending it by suggesting that al-Hakim wants them to support his effort. al-Hakim only wants a fair and impartial investigation just as any other citizen off the streets of Oakland just like these very same politicians should! What is so hard to understand about that and just why is that wrong? Why are they being an accessory while aiding and abetting this crime? Where’s this resistance coming from? Who’s really behind it? It reveals the last refuges of scoundrels caught in a scandal! Its a very bad situation made worse by civil conspiracy and cover up for which no apology can mitigate. Russo’s big lie that al-Hakim was the bad guy in an effort to demonize him has fallen miserably on it’s face where his greatest supporters no longer subscribe to that spin and can not overcome al-Hakim’s uncontested, uncontroverted, undeniable, irrefutable evidence that will allow the over $20 million claim to prevail on summary judgment!

The true ethos of this country is not about propagating fear, contempt and hate to veil the concerted attempt to evade investigating and prosecuting your allies at the expense of al-Hakim, his family, business, his community, the people, justice, integrity, the publics confidence… The public is appalled! That is the very defined action of Civil Conspiracy!

Law enforcement and Politicians do not have the right to evade the law because they feel entitled, privileged! They do not have that right and if al-Hakim had done these same things as an African-American and Muslim, he would be held in Guantanamo Bay Prison under secret evidence, tortured underground with air and light pumped down to him once a month!

Based on the current national political environment, the enthusiasm rallied around the politics of fear, the State of the economy, the failure to materialize of a lot of what Russo, et. al. were counting on for legal and political shelter, the disdain for al-Hakim becoming more popular and with the projected trajectory of the legal case with no unexpected intervening events, Russo was in a position to dodge the political death nail!

The public is angry and fed up with corruption and those that feel they are above the law! Polls show 85% of the people do not trust politicians, law enforcement, nor judges! People are frothing at the mouth to use their ballot, their protest, their dollars, their free speech right, free assembly right, their lawmaking right to flush the crooks out of office! They are not dispirited, but energized in attacking those miscreants as these factors and this enthusiasm has shown to be a pivotal, decisive factor at the polls. Many politicians now view Russo as a political liability and have abandoned Russo, et. al., dropping them off their lists of supporters in order to survive! There’s a direct correlation to his decline in popularity with the increase in the call for Russo’s resignation! Russo will have to use his political cache, and adjust his financial resources to fend off his complete demise and hold onto some dignity as he leaves politics, while it is doubtful that he be competitive in this fight for his life that isn’t exactly fair anymore!

al-Hakim has been attacked like the Nazi government and bombed like Pearl Harbor for raising the complaint and refusing to allow those responsible to perform their sworn duties! The responsible parties are taking this opportunity to celebrate their racism with their ignore and delay tactic, which hasn’t slowed down since Judge James Richman began the judicial crime spree, in hopes that it will “go away” or they can pass it on to someone else who can say “no and do nothing!” But they do not have that luxury!

City Attorney’s John Russo of Oakland and Jayne Williams of San Leandro and their City Attorney’s office administrations including the law firm of Meyers Nave defense strategy of essentially vetoing the complaint with years of confrontation and nothing happening has now dealt the damaging blow of the Cities they consult affected having to find a way to govern with this cloud of municipal legal uncertainty hanging over every decision, legal case, vote, opinion, contract, settlement, and each and every simple everyday task subject to legal reversal! It is a foregoing conclusion that they are out of time and options while facing what is a tidal wave of criticism and a blacklash that shakes and newly shapes the foundation of ALL their legacies.

Russo had a very comfortable position in the drivers seat with the control and close personal contacts he had over the D. A.’s office, County Superior Court, the State Appeals Court, The State Attorney General and the United States Attorney General’s Office. He clearly was confident and sure he was untouchable, as with his Italian mobster heritage he’s so proud of, “the Teflon Don” ! However the failure to materialize of a lot of what Russo, et. al. were counting on for legal and political shelter has brought them ALL under unbearable scrutiny and regulation, some at Russo’s own creation and to his own demise! As any student of civics or law knows corruption and civil conspiracy are crimes and void of any and all presumed entitlements.

This is Part One of a multi part series examining the corruption in the al-Hakim v. Rescue Rooter, et. al.; al-Hakim v. CSAA, et. al. legal cases that includes parts on the Judiciary, Compromising Cover of Law Enforcement, City Attorney’s John Russo of Oakland and Jayne Williams of San Leandro and their City Attorney’s office administrations including the law firm of Meyers Nave, Oakland City Government, and apathetic media bias.

The information below is provided to give you a more complete understanding of the facts in this case and will explain the complaint more fully. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.


On or about August 15, 2009 show Co-Host, Producer, and Lawyer Gabrielle Wilson informed KPFA listeners of an intriguing case she discovered in the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda, the matter of Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim v CSAA, et. al.

In preparation for the show that was scheduled to air on The Gospel Experience Program- Saturday, September 5, 2009 at 8:30 A.M. on Radio Station KPFA 94.1 FM, in Berkeley CA. Miss Wilson invited three guests to participate in a legal roundtable broadcast to discuss corruption in the Alameda County Superior Court in the above referenced case. Her invited guests were the Attorney General of California Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo and Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, the plaintiff in the case.

California Attorney General Jerry Brown, responsible for carrying out the investigation of Alameda County Superior Court and State Appeals Court judges, District Attorney Tom Orloff, Oakland City Attorney John Russo and various corporate defendants in this case is himself defending some of the criminals and covering up the very same corruption he is supposed to be investigating and prosecuting! Full Story with Videos and Documents at visit page Attorney General Jerry Brown Defending and Covering Up for Criminals He’s To Investigate and Prosecute http://nowtruth.org/?page_id=263

Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim, the Uber-successful sports and entertainment manager/agent with Superstar Management, filed a federal complaint with the United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, of a hate crime of Islamophobia and Xenophobia committed against him during a trial in Superior Court of Alameda County, California. More on al-Hakim at http://SuperstarManagement.com/

This case is the subject of an ongoing investigation into the actions of various Judges, court administration, State Attorney General, Alameda County District Attorney, Oakland City Attorney, various attorneys, defendants and their employees, agents, contractors, experts, and witnesses. This case is returning back to the United States Attorney General, Department of Justice, the local and Federal Courts.

See Video: Presiding Court Judge Yolanda Northridge Conceals Corruption


The Program was to air live over the internet on http://www.kpfa.org/ and KPFB 89.3 FM; KFCF- Fresno, CA- 88.1 FM;  KCSB – Santa Barbara, CA – 91.9 FM; KDRT-LP – Davis, CA – 101.5 FM; KDVS – Davis, CA – 90.3 FM; KHSU in Arcata, CA- 90.5 FM; KIDE – Hoopa, CA – 91.3 FM; KMUD – Redway, CA – 88.3 & 91.1 FM; KMEC-LP – Ukiah, CA – 105.1 FM; KNFS-LP – Tulare, CA – 98.1 FM; KUSP – Santa Cruz, CA – 88.9 FM; KVMR – Nevada City, CA – 89.5 &105.1 FM; KZFR – Chico, CA – 90.1 FM

During the week of August 23, 2009 Miss Wilson received a phone call from Evan Westrep from Brown’s office. He left a voice mail message for her at radio station KPFA stating he would pass her interview request along to Brown’s schedulers.

During that same week, Miss Wilson received emails and phone calls from Oakland City Attorney Russo’s press director Alex Katz. One email Katz sent to her and Sasha Lilley, interim Program Director at KPFA, with a cc: to Mark Moromodi, Supervising Deputy for the Oakland City Attorney, proclaiming that City Attorney John Russo was not involved in the case, yet he wanted her to answer questions as to why she wanted to provide a forum for the plaintiff, al-Hakim whom he alleged had posted threatening videos about John Russo.

Here is a copy of that email message.

Katz followed up that email with a voicemail message he left for Miss Wilson after the close of business just hours before the scheduled broadcast was to occur threatening her and warned Miss Wilson not to broadcast the interview and demanded she speak with him before she aired the scheduled program. He did this though he wanted Miss Wilson and KPFA to believe that John Russo and the City Attorney’s office was not involved in the case and had nothing to hide! You can view the documents and videos of Russo’s corruption on the web page City Attorney John Russo’s Political Suicide http://nowtruth.org/?page_id=440 and listen to that voicemail message here.

Luis Medina, a manager in the music director’s office at KPFA then calls Miss Wilson just hours prior to the scheduled broadcast and leaves a voicemail message warning her that it was very important for the broadcast not to occur. He also stated that there might be very serious repercussions taken if she were to proceed as planned. She even received a phone call from the long-time regular show host, Emmitt Powell whom was contacted by the station in response to Russo’s effort to censor the show.

Miss Wilson proceeded to host the program all alone to comply with the City Attorney and KPFA’s censorship directive…without any of her invited guests. You can listen to that voicemail message here.

Miss Wilson was forced to make at least three announcements to inform the public whom had tuned in to hear this intriguing panel examine this critical civil rights and corruption case in an important election year, that this incredible show had been canceled due to KPFA’s censorship by Oakland City Attorney John Russo!

You can listen to those announcements here.
Aborted Interview Announcement 1 http://www.box.net/shared/5hrfbsm8xj
Aborted Interview Announcement 2 http://www.box.net/shared/0idjh3jitg
Aborted Interview Announcement 3 http://www.box.net/shared/t4dg2k65a3

Miss Wilson, whom has been a programmer on Ear Thyme, Jazz Passages and The Gospel Experience, among other programs, for ten years at KPFA, was all alone in the studio that holiday weekend from 6:00 am was terrified and frightened by all the threatening emails and voicemails from KPFA’s management and Oakland City Attorney Russo she had received. She did not know what to expect during every second and at every turn of the show. (for more visit page KPFA Show Host Combats Censorship By Oakland City Attorney John Russo http://nowtruth.org/?page_id=417 )

In Katz’s email above, with the approval Mark Moromodi, Russo requests Wilson and Program Director Lilley to answer questions as to why Wilson wanted Russo on the show and proclaimed that Russo was not involved in the case. He further directs them to host a show on the great work that Russo is doing with tenants in foreclosure. Yet he expressed his desire to censor the show with the comment that he was “concerned” because he alleged al-Hakim “had posted weird and threatening videos about John Russo on YouTube” so he wanted to know why they “was giving this guy a forum”.

See Video: Russo Entrapped In Extrinsic Fraud, Planted Evidence!!!


Russo never declined the invitation to appear on the show and arrangements were made for him or any of the invited guests to appear via remote-phone broadcast from any location he chose. There was no issue regarding his security and therefore no reason to fear anyone.
al-Hakim’s alleged “weird and threatening videos about John Russo on YouTube” certainly are not weird, he has over 100 videos posted on his YouTube Channel as a resource for the collaborators on two film, music and documentaries that he is working on, including one on this corruption case. The videos range from slavery to “Jim Crow”, the Civil Rights/social unrest of the 1950’s and the Free Love/Anti-War Movements, to the current Hip-Hop culture. There are videos of many of his clients heavyweight Championships bouts to Grammy Award winners performances, concerts from Russia and Romania to commercials with children, from his own appearances at the ESPN ESPY Awards to news broadcast on ABC-TV. The videos have never been censored by YouTube, have had tens of thousands of views, with mostly “Five-Star” ratings and comments that cover the gamut! They are only threatening to Russo because of their deadly TRUTH!!! The same TRUTH that Russo can not afford for the public to know! This is the same reason why he threatened Wilson, then forced the cancelation and censorship of the show.

If Russo is truly not involved in the case, what does he have to fear from such a harmless broadcast that does not concern him? Why would he care what was aired on KPFA? Does he get involved in censoring any other programs on air? Is he such a “vigilante” on any other programs that he is NOT involved in?

Russo was certainly prepared to appear on a show to boast about his racist enforcement of the foreclosure laws. So why was he so adamant about censoring the show and not allowing this broadcast on his corruption? What does Mr. Whistle Blower, Transparency, Accountability, and Civic Reform in cleaning up Government and Law Enforcement aimed at restoring public confidence in government while maintaining the Highest Ethical Standards have to hide from the public?

Unfortunately this is not the first time that Russo has engaged in censorship, intimidation, coercion, fraud and varied illegal tactics, quite the contrary, they have been his trademark in this case.

See Video: Russo “We’ll Shut You Down!!!”


In a Neighborhood Law Corp promotional video regarding another widely media exposed lawsuit against alleged slumlords, Oakland City Attorney John Russo boasts that certain landlords were being “intransigent” in cooperating with the City so “he attacked them with an army of law enforcement and City Officials”.
Russo and City Auditor Cortney Ruby stateded  they truly believe “that we want citizens to do as the City choses voluntarily, and if not, we will compel citizens to do it and if they fail- we will shut them down!”
As this “kick the minorities and stomp them when you get them down” tactic employed by Russo and the City Attorneys, shouldn’t they be shut down for their continued failure and refusal to provide answers why Russo, Mark Morodomi, Randy Hall, Janie Wong, Anita Hong, Sophia Li, Demetruis Shelton, Elizabeth Allen, Erica Harrold, Michele Abney, Eliada Perez, and former City Attorney Jane Williams and former employee Pat Smith provided the case file to defendants Stephan Barber and Ron Cook for nearly a year and failed to notify the court of this unpardonable illegal breach in the chain of custody of the file!? They have all failed and refused to provide the information sought by al-Hakim, and further failed and refused to appear under court ordered subpoena for deposition testimony twice and under court ordered subpoena for trial testimony and have caused al-Hakim and family to be forced from their $1 million plus home and office, foreclosed from an over $20 million law suit, and multi million business for 12 years thru the City Attorneys violation of the business and professional codes, extrinsic fraud, subornation of perjurious testimony, committing these acts under the color of law with unclean hands, and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. He did this with the aid of this same army of City Officials!

Demetruis Shelton, current President of the National Bar Association and City Attorney employee’s Voicemail “Russo Received Trial Subpoenas!!!”. You can listen to that voicemail here:

Twitter Engaged In Censorship Regarding the Corruption on Behalf of Attorney General Jerry Brown, Oakland City Attorney John Russo and Alameda County D.A. Tom Orloff
(for more visit page Twitter Engages In Censorship http://nowtruth.org/?page_id=414)

Shortly after Russo forced censorship of the KPFA broadcast of the show on his corruption, NowTruth.org sent out a Twitter message to their followers with a copy of the email from Alex Katz clearly exposing his hand in the censoring of the show. The next day the twitter account was “suspended” for allegedly replying to tweets and “suspicious activity”!.
There is NOTHING suspicious about this activity and the tweets established their validity. Nowtruth has received several @mentions from people sympathetic to Brown, Russo and Orloff whom have tried tirelessly to silence this case and the information about it from getting out to the masses in an effort to protect them.
Just as Russo proceeded to engage in censorship by forcing the cancellation of the show and trying to conceal it from the public, those actions are public now as the reporter released a statement on their crimes of which this is merely another instance of. Now Twitter has joined them by engaging in censorship.
Twitter has failed and refused to respond to just what the alleged “suspicious activity” was, if and how it was investigated, what were the findings of that investigation, AND they have failed and refused to answer the burning question of whether they had been contacted by any of these parties, their agents, employees or their representatives, including Alex Katz, Joe Trippi, Jeremy D. Thompson, or anyone else regarding the “suspension” for the alleged “suspicious activity”
One certainly knows that if you were investigating suspicious activity in this case, you need to take a look at the actions of those that got Twitter to comply with their desire to censor this case and their continuing crimes for which Twitter founder Evan Williams, co-founder Biz Stone, and Twitter are now involved. al-Hakim and Nowtruth.org will not stop their civil and criminal investigation in this matter as they proceed, it only widens and deepens in it’s breadth and depth.
There’s nothing even remotely suspicious about the tweet, we will not be censored, and we are continuing to investigate ALL of these parties and their representatives, including Alex Katz, Joe Trippi, Jeremy D. Thompson, Twitter, Evan Williams, Biz Stone and their suspicious activity and to prosecute those involved in these continuing crimes.

NowTruth.org Website Hacked After Twitter Message On Corruption
On December 1, 2009 al-Hakim sent out another twitter message to his following regarding the censorship of the show with a link to the stories on NowTruth.org and that evening, the NowTruth.org website was hacked and sabotaged. Out of over 20 pages on the site, only 4 that address the corruption of Judge Jon Tigar, Brown, Orloff and Russo were damaged such that the public could not view them at all rendering the tweet and link useless. Is this not another example of their censorship?


City Attorney Jayne Williams Corruption Set Aside ALL Cases

How important is it to the integrity and validity of the proper investigation and analysis of high profile crimes that the finder of fact is in fact guilty of corruption, collusion, conspiracy, extrinsic fraud, breaching the chain of custody giving the case files to defendants for nearly a year, fabricating evidence, planting fabricated evidence in case files and providing that spoliated case file to the courts without informing the court! This fact alone would bring all of their cases under scrutiny with the potential to be overturned!

Jayne Williams is the managing principal of Meyers Nave and the current City Attorney for the City of San Leandro. While at Meyers Nave, Jayne has served as City Attorney to the City of Suisun City and as Interim City Attorney for the Cities of Stockton and Merced.

By their own testament, “Meyers Nave routinely represents public agencies in high profile internal investigations such as the one for San Jose Evergreen Community College District as an independent investigation into the allegations of financial and administrative improprieties by Chancellor Rosa Perez and the investigation conducted by attorneys Jayne Williams and Kimberly Colwell on behalf of BART into the actions of all the officers present during the New Year’s Day shooting death of Oscar Grant.”

The Charges:

On May 5, 2010 Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim filed “Notice of Complaint” and on June 7, 2010 filed and served a 200 page Corruption, Extrinsic Fraud, Criminal Misconduct, Ethics and “Whistle-Blower” Complaint complete with audio CD on Congresswoman Barbara Lee, State Assemblyman Sandre Swanson, Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley, Alameda County Presiding Court Judge Jon R. Rolefson, Alameda County Supervisor Kieth Carson, Oakland California Mayor Ron Dellums, Oakland City Administrator Dan Lindheim, Oakland City Auditor Courtney Ruby, Oakland City Councilpersons Desley Brooks and Larry Reid’s offices, and is being submitted to the Alameda County Grand Jury while California Attorney General Jerry Brown’s office refused service of their complaint! You can read and/or download the Complaint and the exhibits here if you choose or go to the website for complete coverage here http://nowtruth.org/city-attorneys-russo-williams-complaint-for-corruption-extrinsic-fraud-ethics/

The formal complaints establishing Managing Principal Partner of the law firm Meyers Nave, Former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams and the Parties named have committed CORRUPTION, COLLUSION, CONSPIRACY, EXTRINSIC FRAUD, FRAUD UPON THE STATE, SUBORNATION AND SOLICITATION OF PERJURIOUS TESTIMONY, PROVIDING LITIGATION CASE FILES AND EVIDENCE TO DEFENDANTS, SPOLIATION OF EVIDENCE, FABRICATING EVIDENCE AND PLANTING FABRICATED EVIDENCE IN LITIGATION CASE FILES , ATTEMPTING TO DECEIVE THE PUBLIC IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS LITIGATION THEORY, CALUMNY DECEIT by giving the case files to defendant Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski, and Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening for nearly a year; then clearly constructed fraudulent fabricated evidence in 1999 and planted that evidence favorable to the defendants in the files SIX years AFTER the case was closed; engaged in spoliation of remaining evidence in the court files from 1991; and fostered witness testimony based on this planted evidence in the al-Hakim v CSAA and the underlying Rescue Rooter case that was created thru EXTRINSIC FRAUD with accompanying testimony procured thru admitted suborned and solicited perjurious acts by John Russo and others, they engaged in actions to destroy the litigation of al-Hakim’s legal case; they engaged in actions to coverup their unlawful acts; they committed, aided and abetted this criminal activity with this unpardonable breach in the chain of custody of the court files to accommodate the defendants litigation strategy in both the CSAA and the underlying Rescue Rooter case.
They have committed criminal violations of the Civil Code, Business and Professions Code, the Rules of Professional Conduct, and the California Cannons strikes at the heart of al-Hakim’s fundamental civil and human rights, and the right to due process under the law guaranteed by the United States Constitution Amendments and the California Constitution. These actions qualify as a Hate Crime under the Unruh Rights Act, the Ralph Civil Rights Act and the Bane Act, while they are clear crimes of religious bigotry and intolerance, as such, this conduct rose to the level of consideration for a Federal Crime and a Civil Rights violation because the City Attorney’s Office operates “under the color of law” and certainly the violation of anyone’s civil rights is a federal crime. This deprivation of al-Hakim’s civil, human and due process rights by the law enforcement body of the City Attorneys’ office of Oakland “rise to the level of criminal activity and misconduct” by local and federal law enforcement officials. These criminal actions by Russo and his staff demand they be issued court ordered subpoena to testify.  You can read and/or download the Complaint and the exhibits here if you choose or go to the website for complete coverage here http://nowtruth.org/city-attorneys-russo-williams-complaint-for-corruption-extrinsic-fraud-ethics/

Jayne Williams, John Russo, the Oakland City Attorneys Office and CSAA Worked with The Defense Against It’s Own Insured

al-Hakim has asserted that as relevant to whether these actions of Jayne Williams, John Russo, the Oakland City Attorneys Office and al-Hakim’s own insurance carrier, CSAA, there are equally as serious charges with regards to the actions of Jayne Williams; John Russo; the Oakland City Attorneys Office; CSAA; Cook and Willoughby Stuart & Bening; Barber and Ropers Majeski participation in the orchestration of defendants Rescue Rooter and Bay Area Carpet’s defense strategy against their client rather than represent al-Hakim as required by law. The witness testimony and evidence that was procured thru admitted suborned and solicited perjurious testimony by them and the defendants, they engaged in actions to interfere with their client and litigant’s legal case, engaged in actions to coverup the unlawful act of suborn and solicited perjurious testimony, committed fraud upon the court of the State of California, aided and abetted criminal activity, committed willful, criminal and corrupt perjury, fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy, subornation of perjurious testimony and solicitation of perjurious testimony, fraudulent concealment, spoliation of evidence with the City of Oakland, their unpardonable breach in the chain of custody of the court files, has committed patterned willful, criminal, and corrupt deception and fraud upon the court, extrinsic fraud, spoliation of evidence with the disappearance of court records, and have unclean hands.

Parties to Charges:

The parties that have engaged in this activity are Managing Principal Partner of the law firm Meyers Nave, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams; Oakland City Attorney John Russo, Mark Morodomi, Randy Hall, Janie Wong, Anita Hong, Sophia Li, Demetruis Shelton- current President of the National Bar Association, Elizabeth Allen, Erica Harrold, Michele Abney, Eliada Perez and the Oakland City Attorney’s Office; former City of Oakland employee Pat Smith; Stephan Barber and others of the law firm Ropers, Majeski; Ronald J. Cook, Randy Willoughby, Alex Stuart, Annette Bening’s brother Bradley Bening and others of the law firm Willoughby, Stuart & Bening; William Jemmott now of the law firm Wilson Elser; Todd Jones and the law firm Archer Norris; Daniel Crowley of the law firm Daniel Crowley & Assoc.; Fletcher Alford, Joel K. Liberson and the law firm Gordon & Rees; Sean Robert O’Halloran now of the law firm Crone Rozynko; Anne Brooks Harrigan now of the law firm Grancell, Lebovitz, Stander, Barnes & Reubens; Yolanda Marnell Jackson- San Francisco BAR Assoc., now of the law firm Jackson Alternative Dispute Resolution; the law firm of Caven, Cleaveland, Murray; the former law firm of Jackson Harrigan; John Ratto and Dean K. Beyer, of ASU Group (formerly D. L. Glaze); defendants Rescue Rooter and Bay Area Carpet Cleaning; and retired Judges David Lee, Michael Ballachey, and Richard Hodge; and others.

The Liability and Damages:

The Parties have all failed and refused to provide the information sought by al-Hakim, and further failed and refused to appear under court ordered subpoena for deposition testimony twice and under court ordered subpoena for trial testimony and have caused al-Hakim and family to be forced from their $1 million plus home and office, foreclosed from an over $20 million law suit, and multi-million business for 13 years thru the City Attorneys’ violation of the business and professional codes, extrinsic fraud, subornation of perjurious testimony, committing these acts under the color of law with unclean hands, and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

City Attorney, Defendants Perjurious Claim of Innocence

Since 1999 Managing Principal Partner of the law firm Meyers Nave, former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams; Oakland City Attorney John Russo, Mark Morodomi, Randy Hall, Janie Wong, Anita Hong, Sophia Li, Demetruis Shelton- current President of the National Bar Association, Elizabeth Allen, Erica Harrold, Michele Abney, Eliada Perez and the Oakland City Attorney’s Office has always maintained that the City of Oakland case file in the Abdul-Jalil al-Hakim vs. The City of Oakland matter from the 1991 backup were missing and were last requested for viewing by defendant Ron Cook.
For over eight (8) years CSAA defense counsel Stephan Barber had denied that he had anything to do with the handling, disappearance, transportation, having possession, copying or returning of the City of Oakland case file in the al-Hakim matter from the 1991 backup. He has repeatedly stated that he “never touched the file” and “knew nothing about it”.

In August 1, 2007 al-Hakim had the court issuance of trial subpoenas served on Retired Judges Lee, Michael Ballachey, and Richard Hodge, John Russo, Janie Wong and Anita Hong to submit to trial testimony beginning September 7, 2007 regarding the handling of the City file. (See Exhibit C here is a complete copy of the Russo Williams Complaint with Exhibits) Demetruis Shelton, current President of the National Bar Association and City Attorney employee left a voicemail message for al-Hakim acknowledging that Russo had in fact received the Trial Subpoenas!
Demetruis Shelton, current President of the National Bar Association and City Attorney employee’s Voicemail “Russo Received Trial Subpoenas!!!”

Download now or

listen on posterous

DShelton-CityOakSubp.mp3 (9044 KB)


The requested depositions and investigation concerns trial Judge David C. Lee’s allowance of the illegal product of fabricated and planted evidence, spoiliated evidence and unclean hands by defendant/hostile intervener AAA Insurance; Cook and Willoughby, Stuart & Bening; defense counsel Steve Barber and the law firm of Ropers Majeski; the other underlying defendants; and the Oakland City Attorney’s Office run by John Russo to be admitted as evidence, subjected to testimony, and fostered it’s use to prejudice the jury. During the trial, testimony revealed that there were numerous documents and photos of a very damning nature to the defense and AAA as the hostile intervener, that were missing, altered, or incomplete. Retired Judges Lee, Michael Ballachey, and Richard Hodge, though they live in three different counties, all coincidentally hired the same Oakland defense firm run by former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams whom was responsible for providing the files to the defendants initially that was then given to her client Judge Lee for trial by John Russo.

During the recent CSAA trial, in April 2008, defendant Ron Cook admitted on the witness stand that he received the City file from Barber before October 1999. Barber then admitted during the next break that he got the file from the City and arranged to have it copied by AKON Copying Service and that he had said file until June 2000. It was not stolen, misplaced, nor had he absconded with it, it was given to him by the City Attorneys office!!!

As a protective measure for his co-defendants, Judge Jon Tigar had ruled that Barber would have to testify and answer al-Hakim’s charges of spoliation of evidence and subornation of perjurious testimony stemming from his handling of the City file if there was more than one case file. If there was ever more than one case file, they were ALL missing and that fact was attributed to CSAA’s attorneys by the City Attorney. Clearly, Mr. Barber now has to leave the seat as defense counsel and take the stand as a witness and defendant! You can see video of Tigar’s ruling!

Cook and Barber’s admissions now corroborates the story that was told to al-Hakim and his attorneys Mike Michel and Jeff Fackler in July 2000 by Oakland City Attorney’s Janie Wong and Anita Hong. However, since 1999 Janie Wong, Anita Hong and Russo have always maintained that the files were missing and were last requested for viewing by defendant Ron Cook. This statement is also perjurious and deceitful as we now know that the December 1, 2005 written statement by Oakland City Attorney John Russo about Anita Hong leaving the case files at the office counter and no one coming to review them is willfully and intentionally perjurious, deceitful and fraudulent.

The City Attorney has failed and refused to effectively respond and such a non response, to ignore the fact that they have been caught in these illegal transgressions, reveals that John Russo and the City Attorney’s office was an accomplice to the breaking of the chain of custody of the evidence that was spoiliated by the unclean hands of the hostile intervener, allowed the court to make the file a part of the record, and presented the fabricated evidence planted in the case files and spoiliated evidence at trial. al-Hakim asserts that Russo’s and the City Attorney’s Office and the hostile intervener’s misconduct in connection with the Rescue case qualified for “unclean hands” as their actions meet the requirement that, to be considered as unclean hands, a party’s misbehavior must relate to the transaction in suit and to the adversary party.

Jayne W. Williams and Meyers Nave Response to Complaint

On Wednesday, June 23, 2010 Nowtruth.org received a web message posted via the “contact us” form from Lindsey Staples of Meyers Nave demanding that the “photo of Jayne Williams be removed by June 25, as it is not for general public use per agreement with our photographer”. The communication failed to address any of the charges in the complaints filed on May 5, and June 7, 2010.

Jayne W. Williams and Meyers Nave

Retired Judges Lee, Michael Ballachey, and Richard Hodge, though they live in three different counties, all coincidentally hired the same Oakland defense firm, Meyers Nave, run by former Oakland and current San Leandro City Attorney Jayne Williams whom was responsible for providing the files to the defendants initially that was then given to her client Judge Lee for trial by John Russo. (See July 26, 2006 letter from Kim Colwell under Exhibit B here is a complete copy of the Russo Williams Complaint with Exhibits)

al-Hakim was stumped for years trying to find “Jane Williams” and was unsuccessful until recently while attending a Oscar Grant Town Hall meeting someone mentioned the Meyers Nave report on the abuses of the BART police in his murder and the general professional and ethical nature of the force. Curious about the alleged findings, al-Hakim did a web search and was surprised to find out that the principle of Meyers Nave and the City Attorney of San Leandro was none other than “Jayne Williams”! From there he found her active in many investigative roles as the finder of fact in case involving high level, high profile, governmental crimes.

Recently, Ms. Williams was retained as part of the Meyers Nave team selected by the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) to conduct a confidential internal affairs investigation of the officer-involved shooting death of Oscar Grant. This New Year’s Day incident gained public attention throughout the Bay Area and the nation, and sparked protests that extended for a number of weeks following the shooting. The investigation reviewed the actions of the police officers who were involved in the incident to determine any potential misconduct.

As reported in The San Jose Business Journal’s, Jayne Williams, and Meyers Nave were retained by San Jose Evergreen Community College District Board of Trustees to conduct an independent investigation into the allegations of financial and administrative improprieties by Chancellor Rosa Perez. In November 2009 these allegations were reported in three KGO news telecasts and a San Jose Mercury News article. Because of the significant public interest and attention generated by these news reports, the District Board decided that an independent investigation should be conducted and that the investigation report should be made available to the public, to the extent legally permissible. The investigation team, led by Jayne Williams, conducted a five-month investigation into the various allegations and produced a comprehensive report with findings, recommendations and conclusions that was released by the District to the public at a news conference on May 21, 2010.

Their website proudly boasts “Meyers Nave routinely represents public agencies in high profile internal investigations such as this investigation for San Jose Evergreen Community College District and the investigation conducted by attorneys Jayne Williams and Kimberly Colwell on behalf of BART into the actions of all the officers present during the New Year’s Day shooting death of Oscar Grant. For more information on this investigation or for assistance with internal investigations, please contact Jayne Williams at 800.464.3559.”

“Attorneys at Meyers Nave understand these pressures. In fact, we have earned our reputation by helping public officials find creative solutions to financial, regulatory and legal issues. Our extensive knowledge of all areas of municipal law — coupled with hands-on experience in negotiating and litigating — allows us to cut to the core of most issues and resolve them quickly.”

“Our clients include a number of California’s most forward thinking cities, towns, counties and redevelopment agencies. Our attorneys work closely with public officials — council members, city managers, planning directors, public works directors, finance directors and risk managers — to help manage and optimize programs and initiatives.”

Their advertising at the 2010 League of California Cities Annual Expo Exhibitors in San Diego, CA, September 16 and 17, 2010 (as of 5/26/2010 ) displayed:
Meyers Nave
Booth(s): 738
Provide legal solutions for city attorney, general counsel and special counsel services in public finance, employment, cost recovery, infrastructure development, environmental law and civil rights litigation.

Their website also list:


City of Alameda, County of Alameda, City of Benicia, Benecia Housing authority, City of Capitola, City of Clover-dale, City of Concord, Contra Costa County, City of Daly City, City of Dixon, City of Dublin, City of El Cerrito, El Dorado County, City of Fairfield, City of Ferment, City of Glendale, City of Hayward, City of Livermore, Los Altos Hills, City of Los Gatos, Mendocino County Community Development Center, Menlo Park Fire Protection District, City of Milpitas, Novato Sanitary District, City of Oakland, County of Orange, City of Palo Alto, City of Patella, City of Pinole, City of Richmond, City and County of San Francisco, City of San Leonard, City of San Ramon, Santa Clara County Fire District, City of Santa Clara, County of Sonoma, City of Stockton, City of Tracy, City of Union City, City of Walnut Creek, City of West Covina.

She and Meyers Nave worked with John Russo and the City of Oakland in a lawsuit against police officers that claimed they had been underpaid for working extra hours and for the time they spent putting on their uniforms, and that loss/settlement will pay $1.75 million in legal fees and costs and will offer vacation time and money to the officers. Under a tentative agreement reached this week, the city will cover the plaintiffs’ legal fees. More than 500 current officers will receive an average of 130 vacation hours each, and about 60 retired officers each will be paid $3,500, said Rocky Lucia, an attorney for the officers.

She also worked with Russo and the City Attorney’s Office in the April 2008 injunction that would have banned plastic shopping bags from landfills against the Oakland City’s ordinance. Alameda County Superior Court Judge Frank Roesch said that the city failed to conduct a full review of how the ban would affect the environment.

Judge Frank Roesch Corruption Leads to Unjust Enrichment as
“Your Trash is MY CASH!”

In his ruling, Roesch ignored his conflict of having an interest in a garbage company, said, “It is because of that evidence in the record and the unanimity of the uncertainty whether paper bags are less (or more) environmentally friendly than plastic bags that the city cannot assert that there is ‘no possibility’ of any significant environmental effect caused by the ban.”

In a statement, Keith Christman, senior director of the American Chemistry Council’s plastics division, said, “They also take up more space in landfills.” “Banning plastic bags would dramatically increase energy use, double greenhouse gas emissions and increase waste. Recycling plastic bags is the right approach and makes plastic bags the environmentally responsible choice.” He said, “We encourage the city to help Oakland residents improve the recycling of plastic bags consistent with AB 2449, California’s state-wide recycling program,” and “Plastics are a valuable resource – too valuable to waste — and we believe effective implementation of the state’s recycling program is the best and fastest way to steward environmental resources and reduce litter by recycling these bags.”

Michael Mills, the attorney for the Coalition to Support Plastic Bag Recycling, said internal e-mails between Oakland officials last year indicate that they admit that compostable plastic bags aren’t any better for the environment than are regular plastic shopping Bags and he believes Oakland officials only approved the ordinance for “feel-good public relations spin.”

“Uuuuuh a CaCa Roesch is in The Garbage!!!”

Recently Oakland and other parts of the East Bay area wallowed in its own filth with a month’s worth of garbage piling up in the streets from the recent garbage lockout/strike. We know that garbage strikes can be nasty; it was in a garbage strike dispute that Martin Luther King was killed.

The recent lockout affected about 200,000 Waste Management of Alameda County customers in Oakland, Emeryville, San Ramon, Livermore, Albany, Hayward, Newark, Castro Valley and Oro Loma sanitary districts and some unincorporated areas but not other areas of the East Bay. WHY? Ask Superior Court Judge Frank Roesch.
Alameda County Superior Court Law and Motion Judge Frank Roesch has risen the perception of judicial misconduct to a new all time low in official graft and carpet bagging corruption of buying and selling influence and the power of the gavel in the bowels of justice to secure illicit personal gains in politics and business.

The renegade “Caca” Roesch, whom is of latino descent when it is advantageous, is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tri-City Economic Development Corporation, a local non-profit recycling company that has recently been awarded large contracts for garbage collections and recycling with the Cities of Hayward and Union City and received over $8.5 million dollars in funding supported through tax-exempt bonds that were approved by the California Pollution Control Financing Authority, chaired by state Treasurer Bill Lockyer, a Hayward resident.

Tri-City Economic Development Corporation, doing business as Tri-CED Community Recycling, a tax-exempt, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation with no stockholders list it’s key officials as:

Frank Roesch, Board Chair
Richard Valle, President and CEO
Michael Mahoney, Secretary/Treasurer
33377 Western Avenue
Union City, California 94587

On Tuesday, December 12, 2006 at the City of Union City, City Council/Redevelopment Agency Meeting, at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers at 34009 Alvarado Niles Road, Judge Frank Roesch performed the swearing in of Richard Valle. Councilmember Valle thanked his family and supporters for helping him to win re-election. Roesch also performed the swearing in of Councilmember Manny Fernandez.

On February 6, 2007, the City Council of Union City awarded Tri-City Economic Development Corporation, doing business as Tri-CED Community Recycling, a tax-exempt, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation with no stockholders that is allegedly in the business of collecting curbside wastes in the cities of Union City and Hayward, and provides community recycling, education, job training and economic development a $5,595,937 loan through the California Pollution Control Financing Authority Bond Financing Program and assistance from The Small Business Assistance Fund. The company has recently received over $8.5 million dollars in funding.

The City Council Authority received letters in support of the Project from Assemblymembers Mary Hayashi and Alberto O. Torrico and Senator Ellen M. Corbett. Months earlier leading up to the loan, Senator Ellen Corbett held a private closed door session with the Union City Council.

Recently filed December 2006 State of California statements of political fundraising and contributions of politicians reveal contributions to the campaigns of these politicians by “Caca” Roesch and company.

Roesch and TRI-CED used what can clearly be perceived as official and political graft with corrupt influence in securing the contract with the City of Hayward. In June 2006, Michael Sweeney was elected Mayor for the City of Hayward and had been appointed by the City of Hayward to the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency in 2006. Mayor Sweeney was first elected to Hayward’s City Council in 1982, and previously served as Mayor from 1990 to 1994. He became a member of the state legislature representing the 18th Assembly District from 1994 to 1998. From 1999 to 2003, he served as Governor Gray Davis’ Undersecretary for the California Resources Agency. He assisted the Secretary in developing policy and overseeing a $5.2 billion budget and 31 departments, conservancies, boards and commissions. Sweeney worked as a consultant with TRI-CED were he assisted TRI-CED with the development of their e-waste program, community relations, contract negotiations, and obtaining the grant funding. The political connections are like a veritable “Who’s Who” in local-statewide politics with TRI-CED employing, among many others, the services of John Dutra, former Assemblymember, to give presentations. Something smells besides the garbage in the East Bay but rest assured there will not be a strike in cockroach’s land. If an African-American judge or politician had done this they would be Under jail!

Frank “Caca” Roesch has been charged in legal proceedings with, among others, exhibiting willful corrupt misconduct, hostility, bias and prejudice, is an unmitigating liar, crook, thief, racist, bigot, has unclean hands, and is incapable of the fair and proper administration of justice and has gone to extreme lengths to establish that fact as he finds truth inconvenient, evidence oppressive, law inapplicable, and justice intolerable!. He simply utters convenient lies that do not pass the applicable test of truth.

But in Oakland, City Attorney John Russo and city officials said garbage was stacking up, Waste Management was in breach of contract, the trash created a public nuisance, and they had received more than 3,000 complaints which lead the city to ask an Alameda County Superior Court judge to issue a court order compelling the garbage hauler to pick up trash. Oddly enough Russo himself has been subpoenaed for the City Attorney’s own role in spoliation of evidence, subornation of perjurious testimony, and unclean hands in turning over the court files to a defendant in a case for six months, not notifying the court of the brake in the chain of custody of the files, nor the critical missing documents after the return of the files by the defense counsel.

Judge Richard Keller issued that injunction after holding a contempt-of-court hearing. Waste Management faced fines of as much as $2,500 for every missed collection beyond the contracted 20 missed collections per day in Oakland.
The Pick up of Garbage was Clearly Defined by Racial and Economic Lines
A survey of homes and businesses from Albany to San Ramon found that trash is being taken away on time in well-to-do neighborhoods.

Service in poorer neighborhoods , particularly in the Oakland flatlands, Fruitvale, East Oakland and West Oakland is spottier. Garbage bins were overflowing days, even weeks after the trash was supposed to have been picked up, but no garbage trucks had been by since the lockout began.

“I call them every day and (the phone) is busy, busy, busy,” store proprietor Mohammad Ali said, looking at the bin near the intersection of 34th and Helen streets. “Customers come in and tell us about it. They think it is because we didn’t pay the bill. But we tell them it isn’t our fault.”

Elteaser Lomax, with her primary residence on Rhoda Avenue near MacArthur Boulevard in the modest Dimond district of Oakland. “The smell is terrible,” Lomax said. She received a recorded message from Waste Management on Sunday saying her garbage would be picked up this week, but it wasn’t.

A store clerk who would only give his last name of Krishna said he had called Waste Management several times to complain. “I don’t know what they’re doing or when they’re doing it,” he said. “I know they’re not cleaning it up.”
“People down here pay dues here, too,” said Shaunté Childs, 19, on 98th Avenue, where trash bins weren’t being picked up.
Scott Haggerty, president of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, said his office had received complaints that “lower-income areas of the county are not being paid as much attention to.”

Waste Management spokeswoman Monica Devincenzi denied that the company was picking up trash in more affluent areas at the expense of poorer neighborhoods.

Service was more predictable in more affluent areas, in Oakland and elsewhere. At Montclair Village, a shopping center in the hills above Highway 13, the Montclair Egg Shop restaurant had its garbage picked up on Wednesdays and Fridays, as scheduled.
“Everything is like normal,” said Mario Maita, a server at the restaurant. “No problems.”
In Albany, Dave Lyons had noticed no disruption of service. He’d know, too. Not only does he regularly walk his dog Gus near Santa Fe Avenue, he’s a real estate appraiser and is always eyeballing properties.

If garbage is getting picked up more often in middle-class and wealthier neighborhoods than in poorer ones, Lyons knows why.
“I’m 63 years old, and this is about money and power and clout,” Lyons said. “Look around at this neighborhood. There’s Wall Street Journals on the doorsteps here. I’m just guessing that if the people in charge of picking up the garbage are going to decide where not to pick it up, it’s going to be in the neighborhoods where people don’t vote, they don’t complain and they don’t have clout.”

Residents served by Waste Management on tree-lined Tahiti Drive and Bahama Court near the Crow Canyon Country Club in San Ramon aren’t complaining either. The trash is scheduled to be picked up today, and no one’s expecting any delays.

“Last week, they picked up mine,” said resident Dennis Dutra. “As far as I know, it’s business as usual.”

Cindy Simons, a Castro Valley woman filed a class-action lawsuit against Waste Management claiming they breached its contact as well as broke state business codes when they continued to take payments from residents when it was not providing trash collection service. The suit seeks reimbursement for money already paid Waste Management as well as damages.

How important is it to the integrity and validity of the proper investigation and analysis of high profile crimes that the finder of fact is in fact guilty of corruption, collusion, conspiracy, extrinsic fraud, breaching the chain of custody giving the case files to defendants for nearly a year, fabricating evidence, planting fabricated evidence in case files and providing that spoliated case file to the courts without informing the court! This fact alone would bring all of their cases under scrutiny with the potential to be overturned!
You can read and/or download the Complaint and the exhibits here if you choose.


    The Oakland Gang Injunction passed because City Attorney John Russo had the support of ACLU whom has mobilized organizers to support, not fight it, to the peril of the Black Community!
This is nothing but another tool for developers to continue exercising gentrification of the Black Community unopposed because of the apathy and lack of leadership in defending our rights from the so-called Black leaders! Where is the National Action Network, NAACP, CORE, Rainbow Coalition, you or any other national group that alleges to stand for Civil Rights when we are being raped and “Okey Doaked” by the “white liberal” defenders of the public trust?
Every defendant “served”, and I use that term without any credibility under the legal process, with the unconstitutional injunction that has an attorney has been dropped from the matter! But those that are unrepresented are being “convicted” in a civil proceeding with criminal implications because they do not have legal representation provided as in a criminal matter! If just one defaults, the system will entrap the rest of the youth population for ever.
Conveniently the ACLU and LCCR did not represent theses people while filing a Amicus Brief yet venturing into the community with white liberal organizers that will benefit from the demise of the youth punished by the injunction to advocate and pre-sell it’s inevitability and lobby for it’s acceptance as a needed measure to fight crime.
Forget about the “double jeopardy” that these Black youth face in a civil/criminal legal web cast by a crooked City Attorney whom has fabricated and planted that fabricated evidence in a case file, gave the case file to the defendants for nearly a year, and gave the case file to a judge for trial without notifying the court! See more on the City Attorney below.
al-Hakim has mobilized attorney’s to represent these poor, under served youth and secured ALL-Americans, NFL All-Pro, NBA World Champions, North Oakland residents, Oakland Tech High School and U. C. Berkeley classmates Marshawn Lynch and Leon Powe along with several native Oakland celebrities to join national celebrities in this fight! Through the collaboration of the individuals, Powe’s “Fresh Start Oakland”,the

Aaron & Margaret Wallace Foundation,

and others, we will provide the much needed alternatives to these profiled youth to succeed in life and not be eliminated from it because some developers want their families property and them out the neighborhood. WE MUST ACT NOW to end this travesty ASAP!Abdul-Jalil


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